Chapter 7: Separate Ways

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Author's Note: 

I watched volume 2. I am full of emotions and would rather not copy and paste those episodes in their entirety so I will be skipping forward, and jumping into the story without removing too much of the needed content. 

--With love,

Slash3r Girl

                                                                            "So Mordor it is"

— Steve's POV

"We have a problem" Lucas's words rang through my brain as I drove over the speed limit trying to get back to Eddie and Lunar. Jason was on a rampage and looking for Eddie's head on a plate. Chrissy was his girl and he blamed the only person he could. He had pummeled Eddie's drummer into releasing information on Dustin meaning, it was only a matter of time before he found Munson. They needed to move fast. "Steve!" I heard the walkie-talkie crackle from Dustin's backpack, "Hey what's going on!" Dustin had snatched it out of its pocket and was holding the button down to reply. "We found something on Victor Creel." Nancy's voice echo over the talkie. "Well we have to get Eddie and Lunar safe, Jason is on a rampage," Dustin spoke into the walkie. "Robin and I are going to the sanatarium to find more! Keep us up to date please." I heard Nancy's voice say before signing off.

I squealed into the yard of the crickety cabin and rushed out of the car. I took off in the direction of the boathouse and shoved the door open, Eddie and Lunar jumped to attention, Eddie had raised the broken bottle only to put it down to his side when he realized it was me, "Harrington!" He sighed "Where have you been." He questioned me, "Oh you know just out for a picnic, and I nice stroll." I answered him sarcastically. Eddie rolled his eyes "What is our next move man? I am going stir crazy!" Eddie started pacing. "We need to move, Jason is hot on are trail-" I heard a car door slam and we all stopped mid-conversation. "Fuck!" I whispered as Dustin and I peered out the Dust covered window, Jason and his goons found Reefer Rick's. "What do we do!" I heard Lunar scream whisper. "Wait and hope for the best," I shrugged resulting in a punch to the shoulder from her. "Ouch! I was joking, you and Eddie take the boat and try and get across and the rest of us will try and make it to the car, and we can regroup at skull rock?" I threw my hands up in preparation for another hit. "That could work" I let out a sigh of relief at Lunar's response.

Lunar and Eddie untie the boat as quietly as possible, and Dustin, Max, Lucas and I waited for the Jocks to move away from view before making a mad dash to the car.

We made it to the car in time to see Jason running to the lake. "Hey, Freak!" He screams at Eddie. We froze as we watch the events unfold, I could only see Eddie struggling to try and start the motor only to give up and go back to rowing. Jason was gaining on him and Lunar, I was about to get out of the car but I stopped in my tracks when I saw Jason's friend shot 15 feet in the air, and his bones begin to turn and twist, snapping like twigs. I saw Eddie and Lunar enter the water, and I peeled out onto the street in hopes that we would find them at Skull rock.

— Lunar's POV

I watch in terror as Chrissy's death hit an instant replay with the basketball player who was chasing Eddie. His body crashed back into the water and I felt the boat topple over, and the water began to fill my lungs. The next thing I knew Eddie was pulling me by my waist trying to get me to land. "Come on Lunar we have to go, please sweetheart," I heard the desperation in his voice, shocking me back into reality. I began to swim to the shore. I felt the tears welling up again as my feet hit the ground. Eddie and I started running toward skull rock in hopes of putting enough distance between us and Jason for a little time to make a plan.

We made it to the small cave as the sun was rising on the horizon. It would have been beautiful if I hadn't been for the current circumstances. I didn't know how much more of this I could take if I was being honest with myself. I looked at Eddie and could feel his last hope leaving his body, I needed to have enough for both of us at this point. "Baby, we are going to make it through this," I grabbed his face making him look at me. "I need you to hear me and I mean hear me. We are going to make it through this," I kissed him and felt his wet hair against my face. "I love you Lunar," He whispered pulling away from me.

I heard bickering heading this way and about the time I looked at the clearing that held the path leading to the cave from civilization, there was Steve and Dustin. Nancy, Robin, Max, and Lucas are not that far behind them. "You Dustin are a butthead." I heard Steve say, "I do concur you Dustin Henderson are a total butthead." Eddie chimed in stepping out from behind me to be in front of Dustin. Dustin pulled Eddie in for a hug. I smiled no matter what he was still Eddie.

I ran over to max and pulled her in for a huge hug, she wrapped her arms around me and held on tight. She had her headphones on blaring her favorite song. She paused it and looked at me, "This is supposed to help keep Vecna out of my head." she said pointing to her headphones. "Yeah, Victor creel said he was led by an angel out of his dream when he was under the spell and then started singing a tune, the head psychiatrist had said something about how Music seems to reach a center of the mind that we can't normally reach," Robin piped up. "It pulled me back out of his grip in the car, it works Lunar." I heard Max say to me.

I shook my head as tears rolled down my face, I couldn't lose another person, especially Max. "Whatever helps," I smiled wiping a tear off my cheek. I looked at Steve, "What is the plan." He looked at me and began to speak but before he could get a word out Dustin chimed in "We need to get into the upside-down, and stop Vecna, He is reaching us from there so there has to be a gate." "Okay but where?" Eddie asked. "I think I have an idea, maybe they're are gates where the murders have happened?" I heard Max offer. "Okay so let's say we find this gate, go through, and then what? We find Vecna and kill him?" Steve said crossing his arms. "That is the best shot we have," Nancy said then looked at Steve. " We are going to need weapons and an actual plan." I said looking between everyone, "I think I have an idea." I heard Eddie say.

I pulled up into Max and I's driveway with Nancy not far behind us, I rushed Eddie inside in hopes that no one saw him and waited for the rest of them to pile in. Eddie scrambled for a phone book and when he found one started flipping through it. Everyone was in the Trailer by the time Eddie slammed it down on my coffee table and pointed at an ad. "The War Zone," I asked him puzzled, "this is where we can get what we need," He said looking between all of us. "We will be able to get the manpower to take him out," Eddie continued talking. "I don't think we have any other option," Nancy added. "Okay, so weapon and then what?" I asked, "We set a trap, he wants me right?" I heard Max say. "Oh hell no! We are not using you as bait," I screamed. "We have no other choice!" Max screamed back, I looked between everyone and her knowing she was right I set down and admitted defeat, this was the way it was going to go and I had to deal with that. "So we need lots of fire..." Nancy began to speak. "Lunar." I heard my name being called I looked but it didn't come from the gang. "Lunar," I heard again the voice wasn't the same menacing voice from the other night but a lighter voice. Eleven appeared out of nowhere and I jumped. "El?" I said, "I am going to help y'all we are going to end this once and for all, just go through with the plan." I heard her say before fading away. "Babe," Eddie said grabbing my shoulder. I jumped and looked at him "Are you okay?" He asked I should my head yes and stood up, "What is the plan." I asked and walked over to everyone else. "We are going to split up, Eddie, and you, Steve, Robin, and I are going to the upside-down. Lucas and Max are going to stay here and interact with Vecna as a distraction. I shook my head as a sign of understanding, we left the trailer and headed towards the War zone store, committed to the plan. 

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