Chapter Five: "Behind Blue Eyes"

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Monday morning I was at home with Max,  enjoying some quality time. I was doing her hair and makeup. We were sitting at my vanity when she turned to look at me "What is going on with you and Eddie?" she asked. "Umm, what do you mean?" I asked as I apply some eyeshadow to her eyelid. "You spent multiple nights over at his house, I just didn't know if that meant you guys were dating or if you had slept with him?" She questioned me. "We are just enjoying each other's company, pucker your lips" I responded and applied a deep red to her lips. "So why did I see Steve Harrington leaving yesterday." She raised her eyebrow. I stopped and looked at her knowing that I had no answer. "We had a three sum," I confessed. Max's jaw almost hit the floor, "You did what!" she scream jumping out of the chair. "Shh!" I pushed my finger to my lips. "Calm down! It's not that big of a deal!" I tried to calm her down. "Lunar, you had sex with Eddie "The Freak" Munson and Steve "The Hair" Harrington, I think that is a pretty big fucking deal!" She screams. "It was a one-time thing! We were drunk and it just happened!" I tried to explain myself.  She was just in awe "You are insane, I can't believe you." She laughed. "Want to know if they are good in bed?" I joked. "Oh god! No thank you!" She laughed "Okay then get over here so I can finish your makeup!" I giggled.  She laughed and set back down so I could apply mascara to her lashes.

We spent most of the day together, hanging out and laughing, she told me about what had happened with her and Lucas. I told her that it was okay to be sad about Billy and that we can get through it together and also her shutting everyone out wasn't the right way to deal with her pain, I knew that she felt responsible and just wanted to reassure her that she wasn't and that we could get through this.  We had just settled in to watch a horror movie, and I got up to go make some popcorn.

I walked back from the kitchen with the bowl of freshly made popcorn to find her staring off into space. "Max." I waved my hand in her face, "Max are you okay?" I tried to pull her out of her trance by shaking her shoulder.  She didn't even flinch.  I started to freak, "MAX!" I scream shaking her harder. "Uh!" She shook her head. "Where did you go?" I looked at her with concern in my eye. I reached up and wiped the blood that was now trickling out of her nose. " I  don't know, you didn't hear that?" she stammered.  I looked at her in confusion "Hear what, Max?" I asked. "The clock chimes." She looked scared. "Clock chimes?" I raised my eyebrows. "Nevermind," she huffed jumping out of my bed. "Wait," I said trying to catch her as she walked out of my room. "Don't worry Lunar." she said as she made it to her door just for her to slam it in my face, "Max what happened?" I said placing my hands on her door, I heard her lock click. I turned around sliding down with my back against her door. "Max, what is going on." I tried to get her to talk to me. Silence is all I heard, I felt utter defeat as I set on the floor next to her door.

I got up and tried to open her door shaking the nob a little. "Max I am going to go over to Eddie's, Come find me when you are ready to talk, please," I said to her through her door. 

I walked to the front door and out of it. I made it across the street to Eddies. I knocked on his trailer, He opened the door. "Hey, sweetheart." He smiled as he open the door when he saw me. "Hey, handsome," I replied. "What is wrong?" He asked noticing the look of concern on my face. "I am worried about max–" I began to explain as I walked into his trailer but stopped abruptly when I saw Chrissy sitting on his couch. "Oh uh hi," I said looking at her. "She is here for a deal," Eddie said as he shut the door, walking back over to his couch and sitting down. "Really?" I looked at Chrissy. Before she could answer Eddie chimed in "Why are you worried about Max?" he asked lighting up a joint and handing it to me. I took it and took a drag, "We can talk about it later." I said setting on the couch between him and Chrissy. I looked over at her, she looked sad. I put out the joint to her gesturing for her to take it, she took it and put it to her lips. "I didn't know you smoked," I said looking her up and down. "Not until here recently," she said in between coughs. "I am going through stuff just trying to get it off my mind," she explained handing the joint to Eddie. I took pity on her because I could see something was weighing heavy on her mind. I placed my hand on her shoulder in reassurance, she looked at me and smiled. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. "Um, I don't know if you'd believe me, honestly I think I am going crazy." She responded looking at me with tears welling up in her eyes. "Hey, pretty sure we have all felt that way at some point." I tried to reassure her. "Do you ever feel like you are losing your mind?" Chrissy continued. "Uh almost...Everyday." Eddie answered and handed me the joint. That made Chrissy smile, "I think I need something stronger Eddie, The weed isn't helping." She looked so defeated. I  could see the fear and pain in her eyes. I wish I knew what was wrong, why would the Queen of Hawkins be so upset.  "I do have special K, it might help," Eddie said getting up off the couch and heading toward the direction of his room. I followed behind him, when we were out of earshot I whispered to him "Do you know what is going on with her." "uhh no, no I don't" he replied as he dug through his room trying to find the drug in question.  "I can't believe you are making a drug deal with Chrissy, of all people," I said looking back behind me to see if she was listening. "I know it's strange." He mumbled before popping up, "found it." He said shaking a little baggy at me before walking out of his room. "Chrissy, I got —" Eddie stopped mid-sentence. I was right behind him and when I saw what he was looking at I felt a pit in my gut. He was looking at Chrissy who was standing in his living room her eyes rolled back in her head. "Chrissy?" He said making his way up to her, "Chrissy wake up?" he began shaking her shoulders. I moved closer and started snapping at her face trying to break the trance, she looked like Max did earlier today. "Chrissy wake up, I don't like this Chrissy." Eddie continued.

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