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As soon as Ryujin and Yeji heard the scream, Ryujin pulled away from Yeji and looked at the people who entered the room. Both ladies were stunned and puzzled; their minds were rushing with questions.

"Lia?" Yeji murmured.

"Yuna?" Ryujin mumbled.

"And.. Chaeryeong." Chaeryeong mentioned her own name since no one did.

The three girls were struggling to breathe, like, they appear to have played in track and field. Chaeryeong's hair was disheveled and her make up was a mess; snugged lipstick on her cheeks. Same as Lia and Yuna, they looked so stress and tired.

"H-how?" Ryujin questioned. Her heart was racing too rampant since she didn't want Yuna to be involved with the situation. She wants to protect her one and only family.

"Lia.. Why are you here?" Yeji inquired. She has a mixed feelings— she's glad that her bestfriend is here, but at the same time, she's nervous and afraid because her bestfriend is already involved with this mess.


Suddenly, the sound of the car screeching brakes and wheel sliding on the cement road shattered the immense silence of the highway.

Chaeryeong wanted to avoid the other car on the left side, hence she stepped on the brake causing the car to screech and the car continuously swaying side to side as Chaeryeong tries to recover her control.

Meanwhile, the two girls— Yuna and Lia were just screaming their lungs out.

Luckily, they are now at a section of Busan where just a few cars pass by. No one was hurt and no accident happened because the other car also avoid Chaeryeong's vehicle.

They stopped in the middle of the highway. The three girls was stunned and no one dared to talk, still processing what had just happened.

Chaeryeong was holding on the steering wheel firmly as if her life was depended on it, with her "spacing out" face. Lia's hands were still tangled on Chaeryeong's hair and Yuna let go of Chaeryeong's neck.

"We.. almost.. died.." Yuna was the one who spoke first and her breathing is gradually coming back to normal.

"Can you please let go of my hair?" Chaeryeong requested and finally, Lia obliged.

"I'm.. sorry." Lia apologized and rested her back against the seat, still catching her breath.

Chaeryeong sighed sharply while running her fingers through her hair. She looked at the side mirror to check her self out but the she noticed the car that they almost hit.

It looks familiar. Chaeryeong squinted her eyes and eventually widened when she realized the owner of the car.


Chaeryeong doesn't care about her looks anymore, "Let's go. We have to leave." She said as she starts the engine.

"Wait, where are we going?" Lia asked.

"Here," Chaeryeong tossed the keys for the handcuffs, "I'll explain just please be chill." She pleaded.



"So that's the story," Lia ended.

We— five ladies are in the same room. Lia gave an explanation on how they caught Chaeryeong and how they ended up here.

"Yuna, I'm really really sorry I lied to you," I walked towards her and held her hand. I break her trust on me again, "I just did this for—"

"Grandma." Yuna said, "Yes, I know. But unnie, you don't have to go back at this kind of job. You're risking your life again." I can feel the disappointment on her voice which caused me to look down and shut my eyes.

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