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a/n: this is my fave chapter. :)

"Huh? Why?" Ryujin asked, tilting her head and a look of puzzlement crossed her face. She doesn't have any idea on what's happening.

"They already found this place. We need to move to a new place." A shaky-soft voice coming from Chaeryeong. It was unexpected, very unexpected.

Ryujin was unable to respond because the first thing that entered her head was that maybe they were found because of Yeji's phone.

"What are you doing, Ryujin? C'mon, double time! Wake up Yeji now!" Yeonjun gave an order, patting Ryujin's arm.

"I'll wake up Yuna and Lia," Chaeryeong informed and ran towards the room where the two girls are peacefully sleeping.

"Take her inside the van, okay?" Yeonjun commanded before leaving Ryujin.

Ryujin then walked to Yeji, who was pretending to be asleep but had heard everything.

"Hey, Yeji," Ryujin's tone of voice appears to be irritated. She caressed Yeji's back and the latter immediately sat up.

"Did you message them? Did you ask for help?" Ryujin sounds disappointed as she furiously runs her fingers over her hair.

Yeji rapidly shook her head, defending herself, "No, I did no—."

"Is that the reason why you had sex with me? To get my trust?" Ryujin was emotionally hurt because for her, what happened between her and Yeji was something special. She could feel her eyes became glossy.

"No, no," Yeji tried to hold Ryujin's hand but the latter dodge it, "I swear, I did NOT message for help, Ryujin."

Which is true. Yeji didn't do anything but Ryujin is doubting the other girl. In fact, Yeji's feeling is mutual like Ryujin. That sex is not only sex.

"It's not what you think. Please believe me.. Ryuddaeng."  Yeji's voice cracked up when she mentioned her nickname for Ryujin. She felt her throat closing up and tears stack up in her chest and eyes that she refuses to spill.

Ryujin shook her head and chuckled sarcastically, "I trusted you."

"Please, bel—"

"Stand up and let's go." Ryujin cuts off the other girl. She held Yeji's arm and pulled her up.

Ryujin has returned to her usual cold attitude. It has already happened numerous times when Yeji tries to win her trust so she can escape. This time, Ryujin is blaming her own stupidity.

Jackson has finally arrived at the building along with his men, "Where are they?" He asked Chaeryeong who's already at the ground floor.

Chaeryeong was about to answer but then,

"Unnie!" In an instant, Yuna shouted once she found her sister running down the stairs together with Yeji and Yeonjun.

Ryujin was holding Yeji's arm softly as they walked towards the girls.

"Yunayah," Gently, Ryujin tucked some of her sister's hair behind her ear, "Just do what your Chaeryeong unnie will say, okay?"

Yuna nodded, "How's our grandma?"

"I talked to Karina. She's doing fine now. Don't worry about her, okay?" Ryujin answered but then Yeonjun intervene by saying,

"Well, Jackson instructed his men not to hit your grandmother that much for her to have a fast recovery." Yeonjun said but paused when he suddenly realized what he had just said. He covered his mouth in shock while looking at Jackson who was now wearing a bitter expression.

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