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Yeji just hit my head with a flower vase, causing me to feel dizzy. I almost lose my balance, but luckily, I still managed to stand still and hold my gun tightly.

"Ryujin, get out of the building now! I'm going to start the van!" Chaeryeong informed over the earpiece.

"Miss Hwang!"

I then saw the two men running towards me but I quickly held Yeji's arm and spun her around while locking my arm around her neck and pointing the gun at her head.

"Don't move or else I'm going to shoot your boss." I warned the men who immediately stopped at their spot.

I could feel Yeji's heavy breathing as I'm slightly choking her from behind, and even though I'm wearing a facemask, I could smell her.. sweet scent.

When I noticed that the other man had taken another step, I pointed the gun at them before pointing it back to Yeji's head again.

"One more move from the both of you, I'm going to pull the trigger." I urged as I walked towards the front door slowly, still locking Yeji's neck with my arm.

Yeji used both of her hands to hold my arm which was on her neck. "Let m-me go, please. I c-can't breathe.."

I slightly loosen my grip around her neck but I maintain my gun pointed at her head. Yeji instantly takes a deep breathe.

I keep walking until I reached the front door. Fortunately, the door is already open because these men didn't close it. I can finally escape.

But before leaving the condo, I whispered something on Yeji's ear. "I'm sorry, Fury." I apologized and pushed her away, releasing her from my grip.

When I released the woman, the men instantly raised their gun and fired. Luckily, as soon as I let go of Yeji, I quickly dashed out of the room, allowing me to avoid the bullets.

As I ran through the hallway, I met Yujin again who was pushing a cart that contains plates and utensils.

"A gunshot?! What is happening?!" Yujin stopped walking and held her chest.

I looked back and saw the men chasing after me. So I had no choice but to push the cart which shattered the plates and the utensils all over the floor.

"I'm sorry, Yujin!" I screamed while running towards the emergency door.

I took the emergency spiral stairs and hopped three steps down while holding on to the steel railings.

I could hear the men's heavy footsteps, but I already made it to the basement and saw the white tiny van that had drastically stopped in front of me.

"Hop in!" Chaeryeong slid the door open and I immediately jumped inside, hitting my body against the van's chair.

Chaeryeong rapidly stepped on the gas and I shut the door seconds before the men shot our van. Thankfully, this van is bulletproof.

I was breathing hard and my whole body was covered in sweats. That was a fucking close call.

"You horny ass." I heard Chaeryeong says.


"Duh, I heard it all." Chaeryeong huffed, "You had many opportunities to shoot her, but you chose to flirt with her instead."

I don't have energy to argue with Chaeryeong anymore. I just lay down on the seat while thinking about that woman.

"Hwang Yeji.." I mumbled.

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