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"I played it hard and fast, Kitty," Ryujin whispered while fucking me hard.

I keep hearing those words in my mind while watching the girl who is deeply sleeping next to me.

I just woke up a few minutes ago due to the fact that we are currently curled up on the floor with a carton— my back has been hurting and my.. you know.. my cute little kitty is hurting as well. Ryujin was so wild.

Anyway, thanks to the small window, we have a source of light coming from the moon and I could tell that it is still dawn.

I then placed my palms under my chin and pushed myself up on my elbows so that I could see Ryujin's face clearly. As I study her beautiful face and long eyelashes, my lips begin to curve up. I moved my hands and used a finger to trace the bridge of her nose; I like how pointed her nose is.

"Cute," I mumbled and chuckled when Ryujin scrunched her nose, still in her deep slumber.

I continued to trace her face, from her nose down to her lips. I still couldn't believe that I had sex with a freaking kidnapper.

My touch caused Ryujin to groan and forced to open one eye sleepily.

"Hi, Ryuddaeng." I cheerfully greeted her.

"Ryuddaeng?" Oh, wow, her morning voice is hot. I wish I could listen her husky voice every single morning.

"Yes," I nodded while pinching her cheeks softly, "If you call me Yeddeong, then I'll call you Ryuddaeng."

"Ddaengddeong?" Ryujin says while stretching her arms, causing me to look at her body.

I just noticed that we're wearing our jeans and bra since we don't have any blankets. And do you know that Ryujin has a nice, perfect, and hot abs? You wouldn't able to see it 'cause I'm the only one who can see it.

"More like, Titae," I says, smiling and staring at her eyes.

"I like it," She chuckled and shifted her body, "Come here," Ryujin wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her. I lay my head against her chest, feeling and hearing her heartbeat. I found myself closing my eyes as she gently stroked my hair.

Even though I'm enjoying my stay here because of this girl, I couldn't stop thinking about my life outside this building.

Out of nowhere, I blurted out, "I miss my Dad.. and my Father."

"You have.. two fathers?" Ryujin asked and stopped combing my hair.

"One is my real father and the other one is our butler, Mr. Seong." I explained, "Though Mr. Seong has been our butler for years, I consider him as my father because of the way he treats me."

There's a silence between us after I explained. I couldn't see Ryujin's face since I'm resting my head against her chest.

"You're so lucky for having two dads." Ryujin mumbled as she embraced me tighter.

I remember that Ryujin doesn't have any parents, "Ryuddaeng? Could you tell me what happened to your parents?" I wondered.

Ryujin didn't respond so I said, "It's okay if your uncomfortable to answe—"

"Me and my mother lived next door to grandma. But then grandma told me that my mother's death was caused by breast cancer, leaving me alone." She explained and I could feel her heart was beating faster than usual, "I was still a baby that time."

"While my father," Ryujin sighed deeply, "I don't know. Grandma doesn't have any idea about my father."

My hand moved to caress her tummy gently as my way to express my affection towards her. Ryujin has lived through a lot.

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