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"Jackson, Yeji is alone at her condo, right now." Mr. Seong called over his radio while watching at the monitor of the CCTV that he had installed at Yeji's living room. He was staying at the apartment that Yeji gave him.

"Alright, Boss Lee. RJ is already in the basement waiting for a perfect time to sneak inside without noticing her. She's with her partner, CY."

"Since Mr. Hwang didn't give back our land.." Mr. Seong paused, "Tell your RJ to shot Yeji multiple times."

After talking to his boss, Jackson immediately called Ryujin.

Leaning against the car while licking her lollipop, Ryujin answered the call.

"Yeji is alone. Go now." Jackson commanded.

"Okiedokie." Ryujin cutely answered as she licked the lollipop and looking at Chaeryeong who's patiently waiting at the driver seat.

"Don't fail this mission, Ryujin."


But Ryujin failed because of the hotness of the Hwang Yeji.


"I had already inserted the chemicals into the car's air conditioning system. Once Yeji is inside the car, tell RJ to press the red button so that the smoke will come out." Mr. Seong called over his radio.

"Roger that, boss." Jackson responded before ending the call.

"Hey, Ryujin, you have to be in the car before Yeji will enter, okay? Then go straight to busan."

"Okie." Ryujin replied.

"By the way, Yeji is with her butler."



"Jackson, I corrupted the CCTV on the gate." Mr. Seong said.

"Okay, boss. Everything is set clear." Jackson responded over the radio. He was about to end the call but Mr. Seong suddenly spoke,

"By the way, She seems to be fully committed to her work." Mr. Seong complimented Ryujin.

"I told you, boss. She's my prominent member."


Jackson, who was comfortably sleeping, was abruptly disturbed by a call. He answered the phone without reading the caller name.



Jackson's eyes opened widely when he realized the caller. He got up from his bed and became nervous, "B-boss, I'm sorry, I was sle-"

"The SWAT team found us. Tell your members that they must evacuate the place. Hwang and the SWAT team are on their way." Mr. Seong said as he drove away from the Hwang's residence.

"W-what? How-"




"Sir, you shot Mr. Hwang's daughter not the kidnapper!" Felix shouted, holding the gun.

"Shit," Hyunjin, who sneakily arrived at the building and hid on the second floor, was the one who pointed the laser at Ryujin.

"YEJI! NO! YEJI!" Lia cried out and quickly ran towards the two girls- Ryujin and Yeji. She saw how the bullet spiked on Yeji's back and the blood that gushed out.

But before Lia could even reach the two, she stopped when Lee's members fired back to the SWAT team.

"Lia unnie!" Yuna screamed but Chaeryeong hugged Yuna on the corner as Lia ducked and covered her head to avoid the bullets.

Everyone in the building was terrified and in a state of chaos as the gunshots filled the room.


Ryujin felt that she and Yeji were the only people in the entire building. She was still in the state of shock, not being able to comprehend what she's seeing.

Ryujin pressed Yeji's skin where the bullet landed, "Yeddeong.."

Imagine what Ryujin is feeling right now. There is a fear in her eyes. First, her own boss is the reason why her grandmother is in the hospital as of now. Second, she is working under his 'father' after all this time. And now, Yeji is in her arms covered with blood.

Blood dripping down from her open-wounded skin continuously, Yeji is already struggling to breathe. The pain is so extreme as the bullet tore through her skin which caused her to feel so weak, to the point that her eyes will close in any seconds now.

"I'm s-sleepy, Ryuddaeng."

Ryujin was hit with reality by Yeji's statement, "Don't close your eyes, please." Ryujin said before wandering her eyes around the place.

She saw Jackson, lying on the ground, with Yeonjun who's also covered in blood.

"Help!" Ryujin was about to carry Yeji but someone grabbed Ryujin's arms aggressively. He saw a blonde guy, wearing a face mask with the SWAT uniform, held both of her arms.

"PLEASE BRING YEJI TO THE HOSPITAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" Ryujin shouted, begging. She was aware that a SWAT member was arresting her, but she doesn't care right now because Yeji needs help more than anything.

It was like a scene on a movie— time seeming to slow down. With a fear written all over her face, Ryujin is dragging away by Hyunjin, wrapping her wrists with a handcuff as she watched Yeji, who was being carried in a bridal style by another SWAT member, Felix.

Felix carried Yeji along as he made his way to the gate. Then, all of a sudden,

"Dad, I saw mommy." Yeji mumbled softly.

Yeji kept her eyes open while looking at Lia who was shouting at her, but Yeji was unable to understand it.

Yeji then smiled weakly, looking at Ryujin and raising her hand that was covered in blood as if she was reaching for Ryujin, who was still being held by Hyunjin.

"Ryujin," Yeji whispered before closing her eyes.

a/n: :-) <3 :-( <3 =D

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