Flashbacks Part 2

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(Y/n) is still 8 years old while Seto is 7 years. Funny thing I messed up so many times putting Kaiba when- he wasn't Kaiba yet. During this time his still Seto. Hope you enjoy

(Y/n) pov

"Art Competition?"

My art teacher Mrs, Weasley hands me a flyer with 2 other sheets of paper work to me.

"You really think I have what it takes to enter?"

"That art piece on the natural disaster project was wonderful. I haven't had a student with so much potential! Plus the entry is free, prize money is on the line , and you know that Duel Monster game that's getting big well they have a certain prize for that. Honestly I don't know please read the flyer .. I think you got potential to get 1st place only 12 people are entering out of domino city from each school .. considering your in the 4th grade I think that make you special."

"Thank you Mrs, Weasley"


"Come on.. Come on... COME ON!"

I lean back on my chair looking at the blank white eisle.

"Stuck?" I can hear Seto's voice echo behind me while I keep my eyes on the white canvas.

I look up to see him staring down at me before I look back at the canvas.

"What's the topic?"

"Ancient Egyptian.. like I know anything about that, I got less than a month to come up with an idea, and the actual drawing" I scoff before placing the pencil down.

"Maybe you can research it.. who knows what you can find me and Mokuba will go to the library. When we get back we'll find the perfect canvas for the competition!"

I can't help but feel tears beginning forming making me feel flushed in the face.

"Thank you!"

"Stop crying your creeping me out!!"

1 month later~~

(Y/n) pov

"Can't believe you got this many stickers on your bulletin board your for sure going to win!" Mokuba cheers for me.

"Your giving your speech out soon? Your nervous? " Seto says

"Can't tell if I'm nervous or really excited either way my heart is beating quickly!"

~~ basically everyone is given a sticker coming into the venue to vote for the best art piece by voting and placing there given sticker on the bulletinboard next to the contestant. Each person is given a chance to say a couple of words before the final tally marks and will soon announce a winner.

"Can I take a look at your speech?" Seto says raising an eyebrow trying to take my cue notes.

"Your just going to wait like the other audience members.. still-" feeling mischievous I lean into Seto I whisper into his ear "don't worry I mentioned you in my speech."

As I leaned back soon Seto's face turns bright red. "Hey are you okay-"

"Contestants please stand next to your art work for the speech."

As the twelve of us stand next to are art work I can't help but look around. Man this people are amazing , and crazy stupid talented. As I look next to me I see the girl next to me she looks like she has the same amount of votes as me.

I can't help but gulp before feeling a bit pressured. Mrs, Weasley said your speech also earns you extra brownie points from the audience members.

Let's do this.

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