Chapter 1: Let's jump

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Disclaimer:Any recognisable charakters or speech don't belong to me, but to the creators of Gilmore Girls.

Authors Note: So, this is my first story ever. I love Gilmore Girls and hated the way Logan and Rory ended. Coments and constructive critisism are encouraged, but please be nice. Also, english is not my first language I apologize in adwance for any mistakes I might make. So, enough of me and I hope you enjoy this story.

As I stood there looking at him a million questions were running through my head. Is this really happening? Did he really just ask me this? Why is he doing this in front of my family and my grandparents' friends? And a lot more like that. I couldn't focus on any of them. Not until the most important one popped into my head. Do I want to marry him? Well, the answer to that question was easy. Of course, I want to marry him. But then there is the question, do I want to marry him so soon? And the million questions came back. I just stood there, unable to have a clear thought, while everyone was staring at me. Now I thought that I needed to get out of here, away from all the prying eyes, so I could just think for a second.

"Ähhh, ... Logan, I don't know what to say." I stammered. "Well, a yes would be great." After another pause, I finally managed to ask: "Could we go outside and talk?" He nodded and lead me out the doors, away from all the people looking at us with shocked and confused expressions on their faces. The one thing I actually registered, was, that my mom didn't look surprised at all, which was weird.

"Sorry, I just didn't want to talk in front of everybody." were the first words out of my mouth when we got outside. Then I turned my head a bit and was completely surprised again. "Is that... for us?", pointing at the horse drawn carriage parked next to the sidewalk. "Yes, I'm sorry. I know you don't like big, romantic gestures Ace, but that's what a proposal's supposed to be like." Logan explained. "No, it's not the size of the gesture it's the gesture itself. It's...". "Rory," he interrupted me, "I got the job out in Silicon Valley." "What you did? When?" I exclaimed excitedly. "Well, they offered me the job about 45 minutes into the meeting. But I wanted to save the news after I proposed." "Wow, you've been thinking about this a while." "Yeah, back when everything was up in the air businesswise, I knew it was all going to be ok, as long as I had you! You would love Palo Alto, Rory. We could go hiking in the dish on weekends, biking at the Baylands." "Wow, California me sounds very athletic!" "Or coffee drinking on University Avenue!" "That's much easier to imagen." I chuckled. "I did a little exploring and there is this house that we could rent. It has a backyard with an avocado tree." "I do like guacamole." "It's only 35 miles of San Francisco just a straight shot up the 101." "Wow you've done a lot of research." "Yeah, you could work at the Chronicle, the San Francisco Bay Guardian." "Wow, ... Oh it sounds amazing. Logan, it sounds wonderful. I-I just, I don't know. I mean, you've had time to think about this and research newspapers, and it's so sweet and wonderful. I just, I'm hearing about it for the first time." "So, you're saying in the past three years, you never thought about marrying me?" he asked obviously a bit disappointed. "No of course I have." "And?" he posed. "And it's always a really wonderful thought but it was always hypothetical." "I know, for me too." Now he is taking my hands in his own. "But then it hit me, why wait? Remember when we were in the life and death brigade and we stood on top of that tower and we held hands and we jumped? Let's do that again, Rory. Let's jump." Now I grin widely and look down at our joined hands, and after a short pause I say "You jump I jump jack!".

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