Chapter 11: Long distance

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The beginnings of the campaign were hard. I had no idea if I was going to be able to handle it. But I talked to Logan on the phone every day, and talked to my mom just as often, which helped a lot. I immediately liked one of my co reporters, Paige, who was writing for a small newspaper, making her about my level. We got along well, and always ended up at the same hotels. The few days without press conferences, we spent exploring the cities we were in together. She even met my mom when the campaign went to New York and my mom insisted on coming to see me. And she met Logan when he surprised me in Britain. I mentioned, that we were going there a few days ago on the phone and then we went on, talking about my articles and his work. He told me about a business trip he had to go on in a few days. And then he just showed up in my hotel Lobby.

Me and Paige were walking out of the elevator of the hotel when I heard a familiar voice. "Ace!" it came from the other side of the Lobby. I turn away from my friend and see him standing there. My heart skips a beat at seeing the love of my life for the first time after months of being apart. After just starring at him for a while, not noticing the confused look on Paige's face, I start running towards him and throwing myself into his arms. He hugs me back, even lifting me of the ground a short time. After putting me back down, we part just enough to look into each other's eyes and then his lips come crashing down onto mine, kissing me passionately. Breaking apart only because of lack of oxygen, we look at each other again and both start to grin. Still in his arms, I don't even notice Paige walking towards us. I only see her when she's clearing her throat next to us. "Well, you must be the famous fiancé I'm always hearing about. Oh, dam, or are you the secret Australian on the side?" she jokes. Now standing besides me, one arm around my waist, Logan chuckles, being fully aware she's joking. "Hi, I'm Logan. I take it Ace told you about Finn?" "Oh, yes. I especially enjoyed her telling me about his performance of 'The passion of Christ'. I'm Paige by the way." Logan laughs a second time and looks at me. "She reminds me of your mom." he grins, looking back at Paige and shaking her outstretched hand. "Under any other circumstances I would be offended. But I have met Lorelai, and I find her quite delightful." she responds making us both laugh.

We had lunch with her and then she left us, saying we needed some 'alone time' with a suggestive wink, making us blush. As much as I have enjoyed going to all those different countries, and writing all these articles, I am incredibly excited, now that it's over. I'm currently in an air plane, taking me to New York where I'm going to live with the love of my life, after being apart for 1 year, 8 months and 26 days. Logan actually moved back to New York after the company expanded two months ago. I'm really happy about that, because this means we're living close to my family and Stars Hollow and not on the other side of the country. He talked to his parents and after numerous shouting matches with his father and Honor talking to Shira, they seem to accept that this wedding is going to happen. We actually managed to plan the wedding over the phone and thru email in the last couple months, with Emilys help of course. She was surprisingly compliant to our wishes, agreeing, that the people from Stars Hollow should be invited. Though I would have liked to have it in the town square, she convinced me to have it in the ball room, where her and grandpa had their fowl renewal. I have to say, I actually like the venue, seeing as it's the place where my relationship with Logan really started, even though we said it'd just be casual back then. So, in two months I am going to be married. I am a little freaked out by that fact, but I know it's the right thing and that Logan is the one for me. The pilot announcing the landing rips me out of my thoughts and I get giddy, looking forward to finally being with Logan again. At the airport I look around and immediately run into his arms upon seeing him. We hold each other so tight; you'd think we'd disappear if the other didn't hold us. And I reveled in the fact, that I wouldn't just see him for a few hours, like in Britain. But would have him for a lifetime.

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