Chapter 6: Four Gilmores, a Hayden and a Hunsberger walk into a bar...

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After about 10 minutes, Richards and Emilys car stops in front of a restaurant. The other two cars park behind it and the group made their way into the building. We were set at a table and are now reading the menus in an awkward silence. When nobody else decided to speak, my mom, of course, started by making a joke. "A priest, a monk and a shaman walk into a bar...". That makes Logan and I chuckle and Emily is now sending a death glare at her daughter. "Honestly Lorelai, that is no way to start a proper conversation." she chastises. "Well, no one else was saying anything." my mom just shrugs. After rolling her eyes grandma takes it upon herself to start a conversation of her own. "Rory Logan, have you thought about a date yet, for the wedding." she asks sweetly. "Ehhm, we actually want to have a longer engagement. At least a year maybe two." I admit. "Well, that is very reasonable. You two are, after all, still quite young." Richard agrees. "Yes. And with the move to California, it just makes sense to wait a bit." at that everybody is looking with surprise at Logan. "What are you talking about Blondie? Who's moving to California?" Lorelai asks. I look at Logan, who is giving me an encouraging smile and take a deep breath before speaking. "Mom, I wanted to talk to you about that actually. Logan got a job offer from a company in San Francisco, and we are planning to move there in about a month. There is this great house we can rent and I'm going to send my resume to newspapers there." now my mom is just looking back and forth between Logan and me, mouth open in surprise. Then she gets up and walks out of the restaurant. I follow her swiftly, leaving an awkward Logan behind with my dad and grandparents. Outside I see my mom standing a few feet away from the door. "Why didn't you tell me this morning that you're moving?" she asks as soon as I reach her. "I haven't decided if I was going to move. After the call Logan and I talked about it and I decided to go with him.". "But why Rory? This isn't like you. You don't move across the country just to be with a guy!" she now seems angry, which in turn makes me angry. "It's not like I'm blindly following him! And he isn't just some guy. He is the man I love and the one I am going to marry.". "That still doesn't mean you should give up on your dreams just do be with him.". "I am not giving up my dreams. My dream is to travel the world, experiencing things up close and write about them. I can still do that. I can still be a foreign correspondent, just now for a newspaper in San Francisco." I shoot back angry. She just looks at me and I can see something else behind the anger in her eyes. Sadness. My own anger goes out the window when I realize what's really going on. "And just because I live in California, doesn't mean we won't see each other." I say with a soft voice. After a long silence Lorelai finally speaks. "I know sweets. I'm just really going to miss you." now with tears in both our eyes. "I'm going to miss you too, mom." I whisper as I hug her tight. We stay like that for a while before going back in to join the others. "Yes, and the potential to expand is ju..." Logan is saying as we come back. "Hey are you two, ok?" Chris asks when he sees us coming back. "Yeah, we're fine.". "Oh Rory, Logan was just telling me about this company and I must say I'm impressed. It has great potential." Richard explains. The rest of lunch goes rather smoothly with just a few questions about California and promises to visit as soon as we are settled at the house. After that we said our goodbyes to dad and the grandparents. Mom drove us to my apartment and she invited Logan to also come to the graduation reenactment in Stars Hollow a week from now.

"So, you are going to stay with your mom till the reenactment and then the two of you are going on your roller-coaster tour." Logan chuckles while I was packing a small overnight bag for Stars Hollow. "Yes, and don't mock the roller-coasters." I chastise. "You are staying the night at your apartment and then coming to Stars Hollow?". "Yeah, that's the plan. Your mom is cool with me staying at the Crab Shak until your great roller-coaster adventure, right? Because I could rent a room at the inn.". "What did I say about mocking the roller-coasters. And yes, my mom is ok with you staying at our house.". "Okay, good. And no more making fun of the roller-coasters, got it." he chuckles and I mock glare at him. "You sure you don't want me to come to your dinner at your grandparents tonight?". "No, it's ok. It's the last dinner before the tour with my mom and after that we'll move to California. I think it's better if it's just my grandparents, mom and me. Besides we have one other dinner in a month right before the move. You can come to that one. It is family dinner after all and you're going to be family soon enough." I grin at him. "Yes, I will be." he grins back and comes over to kiss me. "Besides, I won't even be there the hole time. I'm having a drink with Hugo Gray. He wanted to talk to me about something having to do with his online magazine.". "Oh, yeah. Say hi to him for me." he says while I continue packing. After a short pause, he speaks. "Ehm, I called my parents earlier, by the way. I told them that I had some important news, and they said, I should come for dinner tomorrow night." he admits. "Oh, well that's good." I respond, not knowing what else to say. "So, we are going to tell them we're engaged and see what happens.". "Oh, Ace. You don't have to come. I can tell them by myself. They are my parents after all." Logan states bitterly. "No, Logan. I'm absolutely coming. We are engaged now if they like it or not and I'm not letting you face them alone." now he's looking at me in awe, that smile on his lips, that makes my heart melt. "Thank you." he whispers. 'It's all going to be okay.' I think to myself and smile back at him. "Hey, what happened when my mom and I were outside?" I ask Logan a few minutes later. "Well, your dad and Richard asked about the company and Emily mostly asked about the house. They all said they would visit when they could and made me promise we'd visit too. It actually went pretty well, they seemed ok with the move. What happened with your mom?". "She wanted to make sure I really want to go with you and got a bit angry. But she was mostly just sad, because she is going to miss me. I'm gonna miss her too." I say in a sad voice. Logan looks at me worriedly. "Are you sure you want to come with me? I mean I would probably just be there for a year or two and then move back here because of the company's expansion. We could do long distance again if you want to. That way you don't have to move so far away from Stars Hollow and your mom.". "No Logan, I don't want to do long distance again. It was really hard last time. And anyways, I'm 22, I shouldn't need to be so close to my mom.". "Ok, just wanted to make sure." he says and I come over to give him a soft kiss. "What was that for?" Logan asks smiling at me. "For wanting to make sure.". Matching his smile, I kiss him again. "You know, your grandma didn't just ask about the house." he admits after breaking apart once more. "Really, what else did she say?" I frown and go back to searching for my blue sweatshirt. "Well, she said, that we need to stay at Cape Cot for a few days when we come visit. Now that she and you grandfather have a house there near the one my family owns." he continues now looking kind of scarred, which makes me frown even more. "She also made some not-so-subtle suggestions about how 'children just love to play on the sandy beaches'." At that my eyes widen in surprise before going back to frowning. "Oh, I'm going to kill my grandmother." I say angrily. "No, it's ok." Logan chuckles. "But I did realize, that we never talked about that.". "About what?" I ask confused now. "Well, about whether or not we want to have kids in the future.". "Oh." an uncomfortable pause follows until Logan speaks again. "So, do you? Want to have kids, I mean." he asks gingerly. "Ähh, ... I haven't really thought about it a lot. I mean, I don't want children like right now. We are way too young. But, ... someday. Yeah, I want kids.". "Yeah, me too. Someday, I mean." and with that we smile at each other and continue packing.

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