Chapter 5: Breaking the knews

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After hanging up on my mom, me and Logan drive to my apartment so I can get my clothes, cap and gown. Unfortunately, Paris and Doyle are also still there getting ready. "Oh, good Rory you're here. I was getting worried you're going to be late. Where were you anyway? I thought you were going to come home right after your grandparents' stupid party yesterday. Did something happen last night?" Paris spouts the instant we walk through the door. "Don't worry Paris, we just decided to spend the night at a Hotel near Yale." I answered. Then I ginned and continued, "And actually something did happen last night. See, at the party, Log...". "Oh my god." she cut me of starring at my left hand. "That better not be what I think it is" Paris shrieks pointing at the engagement ring shining quite noticeably from my ring finger. "Well actually, that is what I wanted to tell you." I say raising my hand to show her the ring. "Like I said, Logan asked m..." I tried again only to be interrupted by Doyle walking into the living room. "Hey Pa..." he starts only to stop midsentence, starring at my raised hand. "Wha, ... Are you too, ... Logan did you...?" he tries failing to finish any sentence. "As I was trying to explain to Paris. Last night at my graduation party, Logan proposed to me and now we're engaged." I can't stop grinning. Doyle stands there for a moment still looking at us shocked before coming over congratulating and hugging us booth. Paris keeps standing there, arms crossed in front of her chest a frown on her face. After Doyle finished hugging, she finally speaks. "Does this mean you're going to be all domestic now? Being a society wife and not working. Instead raising kids and going to stupid DAR meeting.". "Ok, first of all, how long have you known me now Paris? Of course, I'm not going to do that. I'm not some trophy wife that just sits around doing nothing other than going to dumb parties and DAR meetings at the cub." I explain a bit offended by her words. "And I would never want her to be anything she's not" Logan adds. "Well, I just wanted to make sure Hunsberger isn't going to ruin you. And if you really want to get married, I'm happy for you." Paris explains now also giving me a hug. "Just for the record, my plan hasn't changed. I'm still going to be a foreign correspondent, working for a top-notch paper seeing the world up close. Now I will just also be married and doing that work for a newspaper in California.". "Wait California. Why would you work in California?" Doyle asks very confused. "Well, I actually got a job out in Silicon Valley." Logan admits. "Oh, it was pleasant being friends with you while it lasted Rory. Hunsberger, I wouldn't go so far calling you a friend but it was ok knowing you". "Oh, thank you Paris for those oh so kind words." Logan retorted sarcastically. "Wait a minute. Paris why would we stop being friends?" I interrupt, seriously confused now. "After my trip to India with Doyle, I will go to Harvard med. You on the other hand will be on the other side of the country living in California." she explains in her usual 'matter of fact' tone, though I can detect a hint of sadness in her voice. "Oh, Paris. That doesn't mean we can't still be friends. We can call each other and I can come visit you at Harvard. Then I can see if I really made the right choice in going to Yale." I try to joke a little bit. "Yeah, I guess.". "And it's not like we're going to have to live there forever. Right Logan?". "Yeah, I mean the company that offered me the job actually plans on expanding and setting up an office in New York. So, if it works out, we could maybe even move back here." he agrees. "Ok. Now you need to all get ready, because I am certainly not going to be late to my own graduation." Paris exclaims after a few seconds, back to her normal, businesslike tone. So, we do just that.

Lorelai's POV

"I'm just saying he's a superb writer." my father says while we make our way to the lawn at Yale where the graduation will be held. We just got out of the auditorium where we listened to some old guy give a very boring speech for the graduates and their families. "And I'm just saying that a superb writer, does not a superb speaker make. I could barely stay awake." my mother responds. "I told you to start with coffee. It's a two-ceremony day." Richard, my father shoots back. "Maybe it's just a cultural thing." I contribute now. "Maybe Milan Kundera is like the Robin Williams of the Czech Republic.". "With that voice? So soporific. It was as if he was trying to perform a mass hypnosis." Emily claims. "Well, we should hurry up if we want to get good seats to watch Rory get her diploma." I try to change the subject. But of course, my mother continues, "My point is, with all the potential speakers out there why choose someone so dull?". "You know, for a while, Rory said they were considering Henry Winkler. That would have been neat." me, trying to joke. "You mean Henry Kissinger?" dad wants to know. "Not unless he played the Fonz.". Now Emily is the one to change the subject. "I'm assuming that Logan will join us for the actual commencement at Branford.". "Nope.". "No?" she asks. "No, he's sitting with his friends.". "Did you hear from Rory yet Lorelai?". "No mom, like the last fifty times you've asked me. I have not heard from her yet. You can ask her what happened after graduation.". "Well, I just thought she would have called you by now. Seeing as you always make it so clear that you tell each other everything. I would think Ro..." but my father luckily stops her and changes the subject. "Now Emily, I'm sure Rory made a reasonable decision regarding the proposal and considered all factors. We will know her answer as soon as we speak to her. And I believe Kissinger would actually be duller than Kundera with that foghorn voice and that accent. Of the two, I'd vote for the Fonz.". "Do you even know who the Fonz is?" my mother goes along with the topic change. "Oh, wait, wait. Oh, shoot." I suddenly remember. "What's wrong?". "Ugh, I promised Patty and Babette that I would get lots of extra programs for the reenactment.". "Oh, here you can have mine." Emily hands me her oddly folded program. "Mmhm." I pout. "What? It was hot. I needed a fan.". "Sweetheart, I'm sure I can use some of my many contacts to procure as many programs as you need." Richard reassures me. "Really? Could you? That would be great.". "Can I have my program back, then?" I hand here the piece of paper. "As my friend Sylvia Rosenblatt is saying, I'm shavitzing.". "Shvitzing, mom. Shvitzing.". "Never mind." I say after seeing the look on her face.

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