Chapter 2: Little love bubble

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... "You jump I jump Jack!" I speak. Logan just stares at me now, mouth open and eyes full of happiness, but also a little disbelieve. "Wait, ... Ace, does that mean what I think it means? Are you saying yes?" he finally manages to ask. "Yes! Of course, yes! I love you so much Logan!" His lips crash onto mine and he kisses me deep and passionately. "I love you too, Ace." he whispers when we finally break apart booth out of breath from the kiss. With that he rests his forehead against mine and we each close our eyers, just enjoying the shared moment. "Well, I guess you have to wear this now." Logan breaks the silence after a long time, and pulls the little pox out of his pocket. After getting down on one knee, he opens the box and asks "Lorelai Leigh Gilmore, I know I technically ask you this just a few minutes ago already, but just to really make it official, would you do me the honor of marrying me?" "Yes!" I exclaim without any hesitation this time. He gets up, slips the ring on my finger and kisses me again, just as passionately as the last time. After a while we break apart and I look at the engagement ring now on my hand. "It's perfect." is all I can whisper while looking at the simple piece of jewelry. It was a simple silver band with a medium sized, light blue diamond in the middle and two smaller ones on either side of the bigger one. It wasn't too big or flashy, it was simple and just beautiful. "It feels right to wear it." I say after what seemed like forever. "Yeah, that's what I thought when I saw it. It just felt right, and the blue reminded me of your eyes." he explains looking up from the ring straight into my eyes. We stayed like that again for a long time, until it dawned on me. "Oh my God." I almost yell when I realize it. "What's wrong Ace?" Logan questions worriedly seeing the panicked look in on my face. "The party, the guests, oh God my grandparents. We have to go back in there and tell them. I don't want to answer a thousand questions from the stupid DAR ladies right now!" "Relax Ace, we don't have to go in there again. We can just take the carriage and tell everyone tomorrow at graduation." "Oh my God I'm graduating tomorrow! I totally forgot about that! How could I forget about that? I'm so stupid, I mean who forgets about their own college graduation? And not from just any college! Yale! I'm graduating from Yale tomorrow! I don't kn..." "Wow, Ace!" Logan interrupts my rambling. "Just take a deep breath ok. It's all going to be ok. Yes, you're graduating tomorrow, but you knew that. You're ready. And don't worry about telling everybody right now. We can worry about all of that tomorrow. For tonight, we can just stay in our own little, happy love bubble." he grins. "I like our little love bubble." "Me too Ace, me too." he agrees, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me to the awaiting carriage. There we just sit in silence for a while, my head resting on his shoulder, arms wrapped around each other. "Where are we going?" I break the silence after noticing we're not driving in the direction of my apartment. "Well, since I thought Paris and Doyle are probably at your apartment, and seeing that I live over an hour away, I rented us a hotel room for the night. That way, we can spend the night with just us, but don't have to get up super early, so we can drive here all the way from New York for your graduation." I just stare at him for a moment. He really thinks of everything I think to myself. "I love you" I say and he responds with the same. After about another 10 minutes we arrive at the hotel and Logan leads me to our room. There we spend the night celebrating our engagement until we wake up in each other's arms early the next morning. We just lay there for a while until I finally admit "I should probably call my mom and tell her. I don't know how she is going to react; I know she thinks I'm too young to get married." "Well actually, she knew I was going to propose. I ask for her permission a few days ago, and she said I could ask you" I stare at him in disbelieve. "What else was she going to say? Everyone knows that's a hypothetical question. Nobody is gonna say no, that'd just be weird and very awkward." I explain. "Wait, you saying she wasn't actually ok with me asking you but just said yes, because that's what everybody says?" "Yes!" "But your mom wouldn't do that, from what I know, she says what she thinks." "Trust me Logan, I know my mom, she would just say yes." "So, you really think she's against us getting married?" "Well, I'm sorry, but you aren't her favorite person, and she thinks we're too young to get married. But, I think, when she is able to see past that, she is going to be happy for us. She knows that we love each other." I explain. "Ok, you should probably call her. She must be dying to know what happened. And about that 'too young to be married' stuff, we can have a long engagement you know. Like one or even two years. Then you'd be about 25 and I'd be 27 already, that's not too young." I think for a while. "Yes, I think I want a long engagement too. But not too long, 2 years at the most more like 1 year, maybe 1,5 years." He smiles at me. "We can wait however long you want Ace. I would marry you tomorrow at city hall if that's what you want." Now I look at him with the same wide grin plastered on my face. After a while I snap out of our gaze. "Ok, it's 7:30. I need to call my mom and then get ready. Because she needs to know before we tell everybody else at graduation or she will kill me." Logan chuckles besides me and hands me my phone from the nightstand. "Hey mom." I say after she answers.

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