Chapter Three

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A couple of months passed by and Sofia's belly was showing just a little. She had left her job and started in the nursery and her room. Luis' house was coming along. One afternoon Sofia went out shopping with Angela for baby furniture.

"How have you been feeling lately?"

Sofia decided to be honest with Angie.

"I have been missing my mom lately, like a lot. I wish she was here to do some shopping with me, some baby shopping, you know?"

She always dreamed of sharing this experience with her mom as well as her best friend. It was a very bittersweet moment for Sofia.

"Your baby has the best Guardian Angel in heaven. Try and see it that way. And I'm here if you want to do some baby shopping, I can always come with or when Luis can't"

Both girls got ready to go shopping and had lunch right after. After they went home. By that time Sofia just wanted to lay down. When Luis got home, she was still napping; when he went to kiss her, she opened her eyes and shyly smiled at him.

"I want to take you out on a small adventure, I'm not taking no for an answer."

He looked so attractive as he told her that she couldn't say no. He had blindfolded her when she got in the car.

"Babe, where are we going?"

He quickly looked at her and smiled.

"It's a surprise, just trust me."

He had set up a little spot inside the new house with a nice candlelight dinner. It was a small round table with a red table cloth, long gold plated chandeliers and rose petals all over the floor, and the table inside a heart made of candles. It was just breathtaking.

When he took the blindfold off, she was speechless, to say the least. She had no words for what she saw that night.

"This is breathtaking, What's all this?"

As surprised as she was, he didn't like her tone. She looked at him with light tears because she knew where this was going and she wasn't ready to be anyone's wife.

"Sofia, the first day I met you, you became my heaven in my hell, you have made me the happiest man in the past months, and I don't see my new heaven without you and our baby in it. Will you be my wife?"

She was crying, she was going to ruin what for him might have been the best day of his life or at least one of his best days. She knew that her relationship was about to end. She was about to have a baby but she wasn't ready to become a wife.

"Luis, I love you and there's nothing I want more than for us to be a family, but I'm not ready to get married. I'm not saying I don't ever want to marry you; I'm just saying not now."

He couldn't believe she said no, he was beyond hurt.

"Sofia, why are you doing this? This house is for you, for us, for our family. Why are you doing this?"

She was sobbing in tears because he didn't understand that it wasn't the right moment. Luis was hurt, he slowly grabbed her and pulled her out of the house and back into the car.

"Luis, I never said we were done. Where are we going?"

That was the first time she had ever seen him cry with so much emotion.

"I'm taking you to your house, and I'm renting a room at the hotel. I need a minute."

She heard the hurt in his voice, she knew she hurt him in ways she couldn't possibly imagine. He dropped her off and stormed off. Angela saw her crying as she walked into the house.

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