Chapter Four

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The next morning, she got was getting ready for the shoot when he walked up behind her and pushed her hair to the side of her neck, kissed her shoulders and turned her around, and kissed her with intensity when she pushed him back a little to tell him

"Baby, I love you but I need to look perfect for this shoot."

He laughed at her and told her

"You perfect the way you are; I've been telling you; you don't need anything. You'll see when you get there."

She looked at him with a puzzled look

"You're amazing, okay come here really quick then and give me some sugar."

They kissed each other as he bent her over her vanity and pushed her panties to the side as he slowly entered her body. They had a quick love encounter before the shoot.

They had soon arrived at the location of the shoot and she was blown away by everything she saw in the set-up. They had gone to a location at the beach around the big rocks, there was a station for her hair and makeup, a station for her to change into different outfits he had picked out for them. The pictures turned out to be spectacular. It was a great experience for both of them. She knew her son was arriving soon. Her belly was so big and round, and for him, she still looked beautiful. It was three in the morning when Sofia woke up screaming in pain.

"Carajo, this shit hurts. Babe, I think it's time. Ismael is arriving. Hah!"

The contractions kept getting closer and stronger until they arrived at the hospital, when the nurse checked how many centimeters she was, she was ready to push. Luis stood by her side holding her hand and coaching her as she screamed and pushed. Not long after Ismael had arrived. He was as handsome as Sofia, He was perfect. He was born at 4:30 that morning, he weighs 8 pounds on the dot. He had a head full of light brown hair. The first day at the hospital was a bit painful but she got through it. She was in love with her son and her man. As she admired her son, she kissed his little hands and slowly sang Happy birthday to him as tears rolled down her eyes.

"He is just perfect."

Luis took a few pictures of them as he contemplated the gorgeous view. He fell in love with her all over again. Life couldn't get any better than this. She looked at her son and couldn't help but think of her mother.

"I wish your grandmother was here to see how perfect you are. I love you, my son. I'm ready, ready for all of it."

Luis was happy to hear what she had told their son, he knew this was the moment she was waiting for to be ready, be ready to be his wife. Their days at the hospital went smooth, they were both in good condition to return home. He had it all planned out but he made her think he didn't know what she meant by it.

"This is my happy place, this right here."

They went home after a few days; he had taken some time off of work to be with Sofia and their son. One morning she's sitting on the rocking chair in her room breastfeeding Ismael when he walks in the room from his run. He went to kiss her as he told her

"You look beautiful as a mom; I love the view."

He bends down and kisses his son on his forehead. That afternoon Angela came by with Jay to meet Ismael.

"Omg Sofie is just too cute, I want to bite his cheeks."

Angela held the baby as she and Sofia talked and caught up on things.

How have you been in your new place, in a new relationship?"

Sofia asked her friend as she went to change the baby's diaper.

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