Chapter Eight

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One early morning Angela woke up throwing up all over the floor. She and Carlos had gotten a little too close with their relationship, she was going at her pace but he made her feel things she had never felt, she had given herself to him a few times; without thinking of the consequences. She was a month late on her period. She didn't know how Carlos would feel if she was expecting. It was way too soon for the both of them. She wasn't sure if she was ready for the motherhood chapter; or if he would feel ready for all that came with it. She decided to call Sofia before talking to Carlos about her suspicions.

"Hey girl, you have a minute? I need my bestie. Can you come by my house for a few minutes? I need you."

It was a Sunday morning and Luis was able to stay with their son.

"Hey babe, can you watch the baby quickly? I need to go by Angela's quickly."

She grabbed her keys and left. When she got to Angela's house, she was on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet.

"Bitch, are you okay? What's going on?"

She looked at her friend as she helped her get up from the floor. Angela didn't know how to tell Sofia but she needed to tell somebody.

"There's a pregnancy test inside my bag, can you please pass it to me?"

Sofia was shocked to hear her friend might be expecting a baby from her brother. She passed her pregnancy test and they both waited for the results.

"I thought you were on birth control or something?"

She was on the pill but she might have been late on a pill or two.

"Sofia, I might have been late for a few, but bitch look; I'm pregnant. How am I supposed to tell your brother?"

Sofia knew her brother would be ecstatic about it. But it wasn't her place to say anything to anyone.

"Angela, either way, he needs to know like yesterday. I think I will be happy about it. Call him up."

She handed the phone to her and kissed her friend and whispered to her

"Good luck, I see you later on for dinner if you both like it?"

She then called Carlos and told him they needed to talk'

"We need to talk like you have a chance, but it is important and urgent; can you come by my house now?"

Carlos agreed to meet her in ten minutes.

"I am right there; do you need anything?"

He grabbed his keys and rushed to her. As he got there, he found her laying on her bed.

"What's wrong you're, okay? What's the emergency?"

She walked to the bathroom to get the test and handed it over to him.

"I might have been late in taking a few pills. I'm sorry. I'm pregnant. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Carlos was upset, he wasn't ready for all of this. This wasn't my plan so soon in his life. He didn't say anything to her; he walked away and left. She stood in disbelief; she was lost for words. She stood there crying as she called Sofia.

"He stormed off, Sofie; he didn't even say anything. He just looked at me and left."

Sofia didn't believe her brother just did that to her. What in the world was he thinking?

"What the fuck you mean he just stormed off? He must have said something, Angela?"

Angela didn't have anything else to say to Sofia.

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