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I woke up in a white bed and boring room. I was wearing a white button shirt and white pants.. I stood up and opened the door. I looked around and everything was white tiles. I went into a room with much smaller children and people in their early teens. "Am I the only adult?" I whispered to myself.

"No" A man spoke. I turned around. My eyes widen.. He's gorgeous. His hair was dirty blonde, blue eyes, yet strange. He's so tall. "And you are?"

"oh uh-" He grabbed my wrist it said 5.

"Five. That's your name here." I kept looking at him and noticed I blushed a little. He walked me over to a number game? He showed me how to play and helped me through it. He tucked my hair behind my ear and whispered "The objective here is to learn manipulation with objects and reading each others moves."

"Thank you." I spoke still trying to figure the game out. Then Dr. Brenner opened the door. Everyone lined up and I started to fill with rage.

"03 be so kind and open the door." he spoke then leading us to a room. Why is my head not shaved? Then suddenly it clicked. Henry, he's henry. The kids were trying to crush coca cola cans with their minds. They wore a cord headset around their head. A little later Dr Brenner left the lab for god knows reason. Me and Henry walked to his room to talk. His room was similar to mine but he had a pencil and paper.

"Hello." he said closing the door.


"Why are you here?" he sat next to me on the bed.

"I was trying to save the kids and you.. Henry."

"How do you-"

"I talked to your aunt a few days back."

"Oh. She's strange and well- rude."

"Mm. Tell me about yourself."

"I'm 001 or as you call me Henry. I believe humanity is boring, they only care about reproduce and money. Some call me strange, physic, insane, powerful, or narcist."

"Well what do you think you are?"

"Darling, I'm all those things except well powerful. Dr. Brenner took them away. Said I didn't need them anymore. Once your not useful to him your well trash. He controls the kids like puppets. I think spiders should be masters of the world. Humans just make the world a mess with fires and killing insects." I started to look a bit frightened mostly because I am. "Don't be scared I wont hurt you. I just want to leave this hellhole. What do you believe?"

"I well believe people can be rude, unfair, assholes, and some a pest. I believe in love. I've never felt it but it seems powerful, euphoric, and life-changing."

"Love cannot be felt, its an action. Lust is what you feel."

"I'm confused?"

"Love is when you put others before yourself, hurt yourself instead of them, thinking of their feelings and put in the work to stay with them. Lust is looks and sometimes liking the idea of them." Dr Brenner walked in a few moments after and guided me to my room. He sat me down and gave me a book.

"For some entertainment." He said with a mad look on his face. He closed the door as I began to read. The book wasn't so bad, I actually enjoyed it. I began to fall asleep after a chapter.

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