Chapter 15

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I pulled up to Kendall's apartment complex and shifted the car into park. She had helped me clean up the field and I had offered to drive her home. We had been having an amazing time together and I hated that it was ending so quickly. I was getting attached to her fast.

I turned in my seat to look at her. It was already dark out, but her features lit up by the lights of my stereo. Even in the low light she looked stunning.

"Thanks for helping me clean the field." I said, chewing at my bottom lip.

"Thanks for the ride home," she smiled, tilting her head, and resting it on the head rest.

"Of course," I smiled.

I stared into her hypnotizing eyes, trying to figure out how they seemed to glow, even in the dark. The air between us was heavy; the world outside the car was nonexistent. She reached over and brushed a stray hair behind my ear, resting her hand on my face, stroking my cheek with her thumb. My heart skipped as a warm feeling fluttered in my stomach. I glanced down at her lips then back up to her eyes. She leaned in closer to me. As if we were magnets I leaned in closer, letting my eyes flutter shut. My breath hitched as I felt her nose brush mine.


My eyes shot open. Tori was in my room, tearing through my desk drawers. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, seeing that she had clearly went through my dresser as well based on the drawers hanging open and clothes littered all over the floor.

"Tori, what the fuck are you doing?" I growled.

"Looking for my ipad, do you have it?" she said, tossing a handful of old sketchbooks onto my bed.

"Why would I have you're ipad – Stop digging through my shit!" I snarled, getting out of bed.

"I don't know what you do with your life." She scoffed.

I wedged myself between her and the desk, pushing on her shoulders, "Get out of my room!"

"Make me!" she challenged, scrunching her face as she pushed me back.

It was no secret that I wasn't super strong, but I was stronger than Tori. I eventually overpowered her and successfully shoved her out of my room, locking the door behind me. God she was irritating.

I laid back down in bed, I wasn't sure what time it was but my alarm hadn't gone off, which meant I had time to go back to sleep. The second my head hit the pillow and my eyes shut, my dream came flooding back.

I sat up, bringing my hands to my face, cupping my mouth and nose. What was that dream?! Kendall and I were about to...

I couldn't let myself think it. Wouldn't. I didn't want to think about what it meant. I couldn't just brush this off. She wasn't the only one leaning in. I wanted to kiss her.

This was just my luck. Of course, as soon as we get onto good terms my brain conjures up perverted thoughts about her. I wasn't even gay for fuck's sake. I had a boyfriend! This is all because of that stupid kiss on the cheek! But why didn't I obsess over Nick this way? He had kissed my cheek so many times at this point.

My alarm went off, saving me from my thoughts. I took a deep breath. One thing at a time, I thought, just get ready for school.

I put myself together quickly. Even with my dream looming in the back of my mind, I was still excited to see Kendall again. I had earned her friendship and I didn't want to waste time away from her.

I cringed, that dream really made me feel creepy about wanting to be around her. I prayed that the thoughts would go away once I saw her.

I was thankful Vaughn decided to blast the new NF album on our way to school. He could normally tell when I was acting weird, but with the blaring music there was no room for conversation. We parted ways in the commons like normal. I made my way to the cafeteria for my morning brew.

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