Chapter 29

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"Kendall wait!" I screamed.

After she had ran out it took me a moment to shake off the shock of the kiss and chase after her. I wasn't much of a runner and my lungs were pleading for me to stop. I should have known there was no way I would catch up to her. She was a star athlete; the last time I ran was in the sixth grade during the Monday mile.

She burst out of the front doors of the school, and I lost sight of her. I forced my legs to carry me further. By the time I made it out of the school, the tail end of Quinn's police cruiser was pulling out of the parking lot.

"Shit," I exhaled.

I rested my hands on my knees, hunching over to catch my breath. Once my lungs stopped burning, I stood, running my hands through my hair.

I replayed the last five minutes back in my head. She had kissed me. Kendall Coleman kissed me. Really kissed me. It wasn't a drunken act, or a silly kiss between friends. It was passionate, and hungry. There was longing in that kiss. She had to have feelings too...right?

Then again, she ran away. The second it ended she bolted and said, 'she shouldn't have done it.'

I needed to talk to her. I needed to know why she kissed me. I couldn't let myself believe she felt the same. Not unless she admitted it. Kendall may guard herself, but she never lies. Not about what she's feeling. She just hides the truth.

I also needed to get to Nick before she did. I wasn't planning on telling him the whole truth. But now, I might have to. Kendall might out me. I didn't want to think she would, but I couldn't rule that possibility out. She was unpredictable and I knew the extreme lengths she went to to self-preserve. Plus, I didn't know where she stood with the whole "homophobia" topic.

I spent the rest of the night blowing her phone up. Texting, calling, even snapchat. I tried everything to get her to talk to me. I left an embarrassing amount of voicemails pleading for her to talk to me. Eventually my calls went straight to voicemail. She had either turned her phone off or blocked me.

I paced my room all Saturday morning, waiting for a response, but one never came. She was shutting me out. I knew this technique too well. She did this to Zach and Nick when they made her angry. Ignored them. It was the same as what Reagan did two months ago, but this was worse. I refused to let this be the end. I was going to get closure even if I had to force it out of her.

Against my better judgement, I went to her apartment (after some hefty pleading to my dad). When I arrived at the red door at the end of the hall, I hesitated. A wave of anxiety washed over me, whispering doubts and fear in my brain. This was a horrible idea. But my need for answers overruled my thoughts and I knocked on the door.

Shuffling came from the otherside. The door cracked slightly, and I could see Quinn's blue eyes peek through the opening. It shut almost immediately and opened again, fully this time.

"Hey, Ronnie," She greeted me with a smile.

"Hi, Quinn. I was hoping to talk to Kendall," I said eagerly.

"Oh, sorry, Kiddo, she's at work right now." She said with a half-smile.

"Oh, that's alright. I was just in the neighborhood. I'll catch her another time." I said, feeling my cheeks start to heat up.

"Alright, I will let her know you stopped by," she said.

"Oh, that's okay, I will just text her," I said.

I probably looked like an idiot. What psycho just shows up at someone's apartment without having texted or called first. Not to mention I didn't need Kendall thinking I was full on stalking her now. If she was really freaked out by me having feelings, she might flip out on me for showing up at her apartment.

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