Carry out! Class Rep! II - Episode 5.2

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In school

"Good morning! Let's all do our best today! –Here's a song to help you wake up: 'Piercing Howl! Coal-Black storm!'." – Megumin

In the intercom

"—NO! That's not a good song for morning at all!" – Grantz

Grantz and Megumin are against each other how to send word of something like song, news... Until

"Ahem..." – Ruminas

Both of them stopped fighting when Ruminas enter intercom.

"If both of you continue fighting on the micro, I would suggest to do it QUIETLY! Or I will punish you two." - Ruminas

Grantz and Megumin nod very quick. After that, Ruminas leave the room and Rimuru appeared next to the door.

"Teleportation, huh? You are very cunning person, aren't you, Rimuru?" – Ruminas

"Well, I am Student Council President at the all. I had to monitor each team to maintain the peace of the school." – Rimuru

"True. I wonder where Chloe is? You said she was sent here too. Why we don't see her in this school?" – Ruminas

Rimuru explained Chloe in different class, so she won't join our class which make Ruminas sad. Suddenly...

"Sensei!!!" - ???

Ruminas and Rimuru turned around and see familiar person. The girl has the features of a beautiful girl. Her hair is shorter and tied in a ponytail. Her eyes are blue. The girl rushed at Rimuru and hug him really tight.

"Chloe??!!" – Ruminas, Rimuru

"I'm so glad to see two you in this world, I was confused when I was sent to here. Chronoa was worried about Rimuru so much that she started to rampage right now, so I had to get out of the school to prevent her to end this world. Luckily, I found you here, I think Chronoa will calm down by now." – Chloe

"I'm so glad you okay. Wait! You mentioned Chronoa is going to rampage this school!" – Rimuru

Meanwhile they talking, someone is coming too.

"Chloe, there you are! You should... Rimuru and Ruminas!!" - ???

"Hinata!?" – Rimuru, Ruminas

After short moment, four of them has calmed down. Hinata was concern of Chronoa's rampage after Chloe and her were transported to different world. in this world, Hinata remind her a lot about her life in high school before she was transported but Hinata noticed something wrong with Chloe which led her conclusion about Chronoa's behavior. When Chloe rushed out the class, Hinata immediately rushed after her.

Chloe still hugging Rimuru even he hasn't changed his slime form. Ruminas slightly jealous of Rimuru for being hug by Chloe but she turned down and she started to flirt Hinata who now annoyed by it.

Rimuru and Hinata sighed but Hinata secretly blush when see Rimuru.


Back to Subaru

Subaru and Rem walking together for short moment. Rem remembered she need to do something in the nurse room and she suggested Subaru to go without her.

Subaru arrived where Emilia supposed to be.

"Morning! Natsuki Subaru is here! Where's Emilia?" – Subaru

Subaru saw Ainz and Albedo standing with Emilia. Subaru ask what are they doing. Emilia noticed Subaru and explained that she spent lot of time to think how she could make school fun for everyone which Subaru understands. Emilia wants decided that the best way was for they to do something fun for everyone. Subaru agree with her and willing to do his best for her.

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