The Damn Button: Episode 1.1 (Old Version)

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Author note:

I'm very sorry about this because this isn't a new chapter to read.

This is a copy of an original story Isekai Quintet. This story doesn't belong to me. I only post this chapter to remind you who created this story. This is a story belonging to (PositiveFlight). Please remember about that.

There is a reason why repost her story, which is because of worry her story will be deleted, so I repost the story to remind viewers who is the original author created this story.

Thank you and have a good day!


In Tempest's main building, a pink-haired girl gently knocks a door. On the other side of the door, a little blue ball signed papers as he talked to a muscular man and a small fairy.

"Rimuru-sama? I can enter?" (Shuna)

"Yes, Shuna, go ahead" (Rimuru)

"Excuse me, an invitation letter was delivered by Rain just now, apparently Guy-sama has something he wants to discuss in a Walpurgis." (Shuna)

'Eh? Did something serious happen...?' (Rimuru)

"Guy want to make a Walpurgis? I bet he doesn't even have the approval of three demon lords! And why didn't he send an invite to me!?" (Ramiris)

"Maybe he has forgotten about you Ramiris!" (Veldora)

"No one would ever forget an incredible demon lord like me! Isn't that right Rimuru?..." (Ramiris)

"..." (Rimuru)

"Rimuru! How can you?" (Ramiris)

"Kuahahaha" (Veldora)

"Oh never mind, Shuna, can you read the letter for us?" (Rimuru)

"Of course, Rimuru-sama" (Shuna)

"Rimuru-san, I'm making a Walpurgis, I have something very serious to discuss with you, don't forget to bring Ramiris, and also [...]" (Guy)

"Something to discuss with me? Did I do something wrong?" (Rimuru)

Rimuru was interrupted by Ramiris, who was screaming with joy.

"See, see? Master, he remembered, he remembered, I knew there's no way to forget someone as amazing as me!" (Ramiris)


In a round room, there were three people so far, Milim, Guy and Ruminas, they were eating and talking, while waiting for the other members of the octagram to arrive, then a portal opens, from there Rimuru and Ramiris

"Oh, Rimuru-san, Ramiris, where's Dino?" (Guy)

"He said he didn't want to come, since you called so suddenly he preferred to stay in the labyrinth." (Ramiris)

"That lazy bastard...but that's okay, it's not that important." (Guy)

"Eh? What do you mean it's not important? even Milim and Ruminas have already arrived." (Rimuru)

Rimuru was interrupted by Milim, who had his mouth dirty from smearing herself with food

"Rimuru! How are you? Guy said you tried to play a trick on him-noda" (Milim)

"Rimuru, it's good to see you again-" (Ruminas)

While greeting Rimuru, Ruminas' eyes meet a not-so-pleasant person.

"Yo! Milus! How is it going?" (Veldora)

"It's Ruminas, you filthy lizard! What is this lizard doing here?" (Rumines)

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