the queen of darkness

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Ramadan Mubarak everyone️

Author POV

Blunders weren't these weird, we always created them in hurry without thinking about how will the consequences were going to hit us with a bang. He did the same thing in a hurry to save her, but his action raised a whole new wave of questions about his sanity and awoke the emotions he was trying to suppress. He was confused, somehow afraid for their future, but what dreaded him most were the memories of hope he saw once in someone's eyes for him or a broken promise.

The villagers were too shocked to utter a word after the stunt he pulled. He successfully removed their every doubt but started a storm bubbling inside his newlywed's wife, who was unaware of the way of taming the Storm. Her stomach churned in a good way, but an intense debate erupted between her brain and heart.

"I think, we provided you enough so Now allowed us to leave", he said, grabbed his wife's hands without any care, and moved to leave.

"Stop", the old man's voice, halts his feet.

"I'm apologizing to you on behalf of everyone. Our intention was not to hurt you or your sentiments. We were just trying to save our culture, tradition, and our reputation. Now day's youngsters didn't think once before they played with our reputation and ruin our traditions and cultures." the old man said whilst joining his hand In front of them looking embarrassed.

After him, the whole village join their hands In front of them asking for forgiveness and an ounce of guilt raise in their heart when they saw them bowing down for a crime they didn't even commit.

Jemisha's eyes connect with Bhairav's guilty ones, but before she can read his eyes deeply, he moved his head toward the crowd.

"Baba (Old man) you don't have to apologize, I can understand from where this fear comes, and it's right to and protecting our dignity and culture but sometimes, we also need to understand other's condition too. Not everyone who ran away from their house and village for love was a criminal, and neither did we have the right to punish them. prem.....", Bhairav was about to say more, but a tug on his hand stopped him and his eyes collided with Jemisha's worried ones who gestured him to look at the murderous crowd getting provoked by his words.

He knows these types of people and their thinking very well. Those people can endure anything but can't endure the questions on their baseless theory of "samaj k thekedar (contractors of society)", so he just cleared his throat and join his hand In front of them.

"I mean, I can understand your fear, and we both were very sorry for the inconvenience we created. Now allow us to leave, we have a long journey ahead," he said very politely, and Jemisha joined her hand for a final goodbye.

"Bachao bachao (save me)", their head moved in the direction of a yelling man coming from the jungle clumsily and terrified like he saw his death In front of his eyes. He finally reached the crowd with many difficulties and was about to fall on the ground, but Bhairav catches him before he injured himself.

"Baba save us. The time of destruction finally came, she set herself free from a decades-long prison. Someone helped her, and she broke every preventing shackle of our peace", his shivering voice made the whole crowd pale, their sticks and weapons fell from their hands and the same fear telecasted on everyone's faces.

An amused and silent chuckle left Jemisha's lips, but the word which caught his attention was a witch. He felt like he was finally going to get a clue about his prey's whereabouts, and Jemisha was eager to know about which witch they were talking.

Jemisha - The Queen Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now