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Jemisha Pov

Time is the most precious thing. Whoever has time in his favor can rule the world easily, but who doesn't have to struggle for his whole life? Time gave everyone an equal opportunity. It's up to you how you will be going to take those opportunities, and today it gave me the opportunities I was looking for forever. My time has finally come, and I am not going to waste this chance.

I stared at the proud statue of my mother with a high intensity of rage running down my veins, wanting to free the world from her existence.

"Your time is over!" I yelled loudly in the empty air.

And snapping the reign of my horse harshly, increasing its speed, and leaning a little forward, tearing the wind away, we reach near the temple of Aghanya.

When I reached the temple, I saw a whole bunch of witches clad in black lehenga like me, but there was still a difference between us as my outfit had work of red and gold stone and there was plain.

The moment their eyes fell on me, they stood straight, stopping their work. They are all here for me to help me perform the great ritual to awaken my powers. A final ritual before the ultimate war.

Jumping off my horse, I walk near them, and all of them fall on their knees in respect, making me nod my head in acknowledgement, and they get on their feet with small smiles.

"Is everything ready?" I asked straightly, not wasting any time.

"Yes, my queen," they informed me, making me nod curtly.

"Then we should not waste time anymore," I replied, starting to walk ahead.

With a snap, every single witch carries a black pot with his opening seal and a bloody red cloth in their hand and moves toward the stairs of the Aghanya temples, with me leading them. The moment I put my feet on the first stair, they start singing in their native languages as we all start ascending the stairs.

And just like every single time nature realizes something bad is going to happen, the wind, as usual, changes its direction with loud thunder, warning the people about the upcoming destruction they have to face. Rolling my eyes, I moved forward and took a step inside the temple, glaring at the statue of my mother.

"Tumhare hi ghar main tumhara anth krne aaye hai (I came to your own house to end you)," I said with a sinister laugh.

While walking inside the temple, a sudden gust of wind hit me, slipping my veil away from my head and playing with my luscious locks. I stood in front of the fire altar and analyzed the arrangement carefully because we can't afford any mistakes here or everything will be destroyed.

Nodding affirmatively, I took my seat in front of the alter, and all the witches sat around me in a circle with their pots sitting ahead of them.

By sacrificing the blood to the fire, we start the ritual as all the witches uncover their pot and start chanting with me in a very loud and clear voice. The gray smoke released from the pots mixes with the holy fire spreading around me. Making me spread my hand around and look at the sky with my red, fiery eyes.

The witches get on their feet and start walking around me, sprinkling ashes on me while chanting in unison as my body slowly absorbs the gray smoke from the air. These smokes are from ancestors and will make me powerful.

As the chants continued, my body started shivering badly while absorbing the powers from the universe, and finally the ritual was completed with every single pot exploding in the air, making me laugh loudly.

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