Part 6

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n) wake up!" Someone shouted violently shaking me.

I gasped and jumped up meeting face to face with the hobbit.

"Whats wrong? Where is everyone?" I peered around the room.

"There eating breakfast. You almost had me worried though. You wouldn't wake!"

I frowned, the realization of how faint I became. I am getting weaker.

"Well there is nothing to worry about. Now lets get breakfast shall we?" I stood up and began to the room where the smell of food was.

(((((((((((((((((((((Time skip)))))))))))))))))))))))))

A while later our host Beron who introduced himself as the bear, led us to a forest. He was a kind man, one of the few left of his race and more so got along better with me then the dwarves. He was quite displeased to see them.

And now as we stood at the edge of th forest besides Beron's home, the was this horrible haunting feeling in the pit of my stomach. This wasn't just any other forest. It happened to be the Mirkwood forest. The place I swore to never come back to again. For I dreaded this day most, hoping to never see it again, that it was a nightmare far away and I would never be tempted to visit.

"No. We refuse to travel through here. Cant we go around?" Thorin asked.

"Yeah... uh.. I'm with the dwares on this one, Gandalf." I looked his way, stess pleading in my eyes.

He let out a huff. "This will be the quickest way. You do want to make it on time for the end of durins day, dont you?"

The dwares grumbled, detests echoing amongst the group, besides for the hobbit. He more so stared into the depths of the dark forest filled of disease and like the night before and a couple times along the rode, fiddled with something in his pockets. There was something suspicious about him, that I just couldn't figure out what.

The dwarves circled in a group, making a decision, often glare back at Gandalf and finally came to agreement.

"Fine, will go." Thorin announced. "But if we come across any elves, the spare wont fall to well."

Gandalf huffed at there stubborness and hatred for the elves and stepped back almost ready to run off and leave us again.

And thats when I took my chance, beginning my fake sad words. "Well... this is were I leave you all then. The journy with you all has been so amazing and even though us elves and dwarves do not get along... I actually enjoyed your company." Smiling down at them, I felt slightly guilty as some protested.

"But my lady..." Kili gave me a dreadful sad look that broke my heart. "You must not leave, you're kind beauty give us all hope in these dark times, we need you with us, your apart of this group!" He pleaded and so did Fili.

I barley got a reply out, feeling quite horrible as it seemed I let them down, besides for Thorin who stood with crossed arms and glare at his feet. I think I might have somehow secretly held a place in his heart of care.

Even the Hobbit became most upset, definitely feeling even more out of place as he would be one of the lighter ones of the group.

"What no! You are to go with them. If anyone is leaving it is me!" Gandalf disagreed.

The dwarves looked on in confusion. "Your leaving again aswell?" Bilbo asked.

"No, I simply do not have the time and, (y/n) isn't leaving!" He demanded, looking sacred for me.

I began to get upsetand defensive. "But I can not go on-"

"But you must." Gandalf insisted

I turned away from the dwarves holding in my tears and whispered low so the dwarves wouldn't here. They were smart and definitely would catch on and most likely hate me.
"I can not see.... Him again for it would hurt my heart to much."

The hobbit ThranduilxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now