No turning back

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Shane's pov

I've made up my mind, Randall is a dead man. After I finished with the windmill, I stayed sitting in the car thinking how I would do this exactly. I went through the pros and cons of it all, even how I would become leader of the group again. My plan is to get Randall out of the barn, snap his kneck, make it look like he attacked me and I killed him in self defense... He won't turn into a walker since we won't get bit so no issue there. Now how would I handle Rick? I sure as hell ain't gonna kill my brother, but maybe scaring him will get the job done, but how the hell am I gonna scare him?

I stayed in the car for almost an hour and just thought about how I would go about making Rick turn the group over to me. I thought about Ericka and my baby with Lori, and how I'm doing all this for them... I drove back to farm and decided to go through with what I considered my mission.

Ericka's POV

I decided I couldn't wait anymore so I went into the restroom and took the test, waiting three minutes is agony, I should've waited and have Shane join me but I want to surprise him and if it's poisitve I know he'll cry so it's best I tell him when we're alone.

After a few minutes, I walked out of the house and look for Shane instead Daryl found me.

"I went to your tent to look for ya, but ya weren't there. Just wanted to see how ya holdin up?" He says  with his raspy southern accent

" I'm alright, I guess... I never thought we would lose Dale like that." I say looking down

"Rick told me what happend with Carl... kid thought I would beat his ass or sumthin'.... Dale was a good man... nosey! But a good man" Daryl says leaning on the porch "where's ya husband at?"

"I don't know actually, I haven't seen him since this morning... he was gonna work on the windmill, but by the looks of it he's not there." I say pointing in the direction of the windmill

"He won't beat my ass for talkin to ya?" Daryl says lifting his head looking me in the eyes

"No, why would he?" I say surprised at his question

"He just seems unhinged. No tellin what will set em off." He then fixes himself and enters the house

"RIIIICKKKK!!!!" I heard someone yell, Daryl heard it too, he came running out the house


"Oh my god, Shane!" I say looking at Daryl as we both ran to his direction

"What happend?" I say approaching a bloody Shane

"What happend?" I say approaching a bloody Shane

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"HE'S ARMED!! HE'S GOT MY GUN!" Shane yells as Rick and the other's run from the barn to where we stood

"Are you ok?" Carl asked approaching us

"I'm fine!" Shane says to him

"Little bastard just snuck up on me, clocked me in the face." He tells Rick who's trying to get a look at Shane's injury

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