Chapter 9

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Before I could even process what he had just said, I was pulled into a hug, which made me tense slightly.

I soon realized it was Officer Thompson, who held me tightly, happiness radiating from him.

I could tell everyone was kind of shocked.

What surprised me the most was when Officer Thompson let go of me, his father pulled me into a hug.

I tensed again, still completely confused by this new information.

When he pulled away, I looked at Hunter, seeing him smiling and talking to his brother.

"I'm so confused." I said quietly.

"You're our sister." Hunter said with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"How?" I asked.

I couldn't believe it.

It just didn't seem possible.

Looking at the three of them, it was easy to tell they were related.

All three had brown hair, looked very strong, and you could tell they were very confident people.

I, on the other hand, have blond hair, am very short, and not confident whatsoever.

The father had blue eyes, his sons had brown, and I had gray.

All three were dressed in very nice clothes, looked very proper, and obviously had a great deal of authority.

The nicest piece of clothing I had were black ripped jeans.

There was no way I could be related to these people.

"We need to introduce her to the others." Officer Thompson said to his brother.

"They're going to be so excited." Hunter said, as he also pulled me into an extremely tight hug, which, again, made me tense.

Soon, we were walking back to the car, all of us sitting in the same places as before.

"Can I ask you something, please?" I asked Hunter quietly.

"Of course." He said with a wide smile.

"They really weren't my parents?" I asked.

"Nope," He said, "You were kidnapped by someone the day you were born, and those people were basically just keeping you."

I was actually very surprised that they weren't my parents.

I obviously knew that Scott wasn't my dad, but it was surprising to find out that Martha wasn't my mom.

"Why did they take me?" I asked slowly.

The three men exchanged a glance before Officer Thompson spoke.

"We aren't sure why." He said.

Well, that was a lie.

I nodded a little, knowing that they knew something.

Then I realized I left the kids at the orphanage alone with nobody to care for them.

"What about the kids at the orphanage?" I asked quietly.

"They are going to be taken to different foster homes across the country," Officer Thompson said, "The lady that was running the orphanage is going to be taken to a rehab center for her alcohol addiction, then she will be sent to jail."

I didn't know why she was going to jail, but I didn't question it.

The longer we were in the car, the more my anxiety grew.

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