Chapter 26

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TW: Abuse

Enjoy 😊


I woke up to a knock on the door.

What the heck happened?

I was sitting at the desk in 'my' room, papers scattered around me, with a pencil in my hand, and my head on my history book.

I sat up quickly, wiped the drool off my face, and said a quiet 'come in'.

Mr. Thompson opened the door, in his usual fancy suit and tie, keeping a blank expression, as per usual.

He looked at me for a minute, seeming to be contemplating something in his head before speaking.

"What happened?" He asked in his normal business-y tone.

Well, good morning to you too.

"I fell asleep." I said quietly, stating the obvious.

"You don't look like you slept." He stated.

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just nodded a little and let my eyes drift to the floor.

"Be downstairs in 15 minutes; we need to talk." He said before walking out of the room.

Well, that's a great way to start the day.

I slowly started getting ready for the day, feeling how stiff my back was from sleeping in the chair.

Once I was ready, I went downstairs and sat on the couch in the family room next to Daxton.

We didn't say anything, he just leaned on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me.

I rested my head on his, closing my eyes, feeling absolutely exhausted.

"Why do we have to be up so early?" Noah groaned as he walked into the room.

"Because father hates us." Daxton mumbled, keeping his head on my shoulder.

Noah sat on the other side of me, leaning on my other shoulder.

Once Hunter and Ace got there, Mr. Thompson came in and stood in front of us.

"We are hosting a party here at the house in exactly one month from today," He said, making everyone sigh, "David will be here along with everyone else; try to be nice to them."

Make sure they don't say anything that will make me mad.

"Just the normal people?" Ace questioned.

"Yes." Mr. Thompson responded, sounding a little hesitant as he glanced to me.

"Why did we have to get up so early for this?" Noah asked, sounding miserable.

"Because the five of you are going to the store while Adeline and I go to the courthouse." He said, still sounding all business-y.

"Why does Adeline have to go with you?" Daxton, who was still leaning on my shoulder, asked.

"We have some things that we need to settle, and we need her help." Mr. Thompson said, "Get ready, all of you are leaving in 20 minutes."

And with that, he left the room.

Why did I have to go with him?

Did it have something to do with Martha and Scott?

I had no idea.

We all went back upstairs to get ready to leave.

I planned on just wearing what I had on, so I sat on the bed, thinking of all the possible reasons as to why I would have to go to the courthouse.

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