Chapter 22

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Afterabout an hour of talking and joking, Noah, Charlie, Daxton, and all theirfriends entered the kitchen.

"We heard laughing and something about water." Noah said.

"You're a little late." Hinter laughed a little.

"What happened to you?" Elizabeth asked, looking at my left hand.

"I was fighting a dragon." I said sarcastically.

"As if." She scoffed.

Did she think dragons were real?

"What actually happened?" She asked, sounding very irritated.

As she should be.

"Why don't we go watch another movie?" Daxton suggested, knowing that Elizabeth was going to become a brat any minute.

All the guys left, but Elizabeth stayed in the kitchen, and sat on the stool next to Ace.

"So, what have you guys been up to?" She asked with a fake smile.

"Stuff." Hunter said shortly.

"What kind of stuff?" She asked, her high-pitched voice alone being enough to irritate me.

"Super cool stuff that you wouldn't understand." Ace said, not seeming interested in the conversation at all.

"Oh, Ace, you're always so funny." She giggled, leaning on his arm.

Well, ok; way to be subtle.

Hunter and I looked at each other, trying not to laugh as Ace leaned away from her, not wanting her anywhere near him.

"Do you have plans this Friday?" She asked, biting her lip at an attempt to flirt.

I might have never had a boyfriend before, but even I knew how to flirt better than that.

"Yes, I do have plans this Friday." Ace said, obviously feeling very uncomfortable.

He was almost twice her age; it was kind of disgusting.

"Well, what about this weekend?" She asked, playing with the ends of her hair and batting her eyelashes.

Hunter let out a small snort, trying to cover it with a cough.

I was trying so hard to not laugh.

Ace looked very uncomfortable, so I tried to get her attention.

"Hey, Elizabeth, why don't we get to know each other a little bit?" I suggested in a friendly tone.

Thank goodness she agreed and followed me out of the room.

On the way out, Ace whispered a quick 'thank you so much,' to which I smiled to.

We went to 'my' room, where she took her shoes off and laid on the bed.

"This is a nice room," She said, looking around, "What makes you think you deserve it?"

I don't.

I rolled my eyes, and sat at the end of the bed, hoping she would get off.

Thankfully she got off the bed and put her shoes back on.

"You know you're really annoying, right?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Elizabeth, I'm really not in the mood for this tonight." I told her, sitting at the top of the bed.

"You were the one who took me away from my boyfriend, so now you have to suffer my wrath." She spat.

"You do realize he is my brother, and you're half his age, right?" I asked slowly.

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