Chapter 25

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I was currently sitting in the kitchen, trying to help the chef cook dinner.

Yes, they had a personal chef.

He was a kind, 53-year-old man with a thick Italian accent, and a long beard.

Once everything was put together, he told me that we just needed to wait for it to cook, so I went upstairs, trying to avoid Jack's parents who were still here.

After a little while of wondering around the halls, I found the music room.

Yes, they also had a whole room dedicated to all different kinds of instruments.

The only reason I knew about this was because of the tour Ace gave me earlier.

He told me it was soundproof, so I shut the door, and sat by the piano.

After a few minutes of fooling around with it, I started playing a random song I learned in music class.

"I didn't know you could play the piano." A voice from behind me spoke, making me quickly turn around.

I was surprised to see Charlie standing in the doorway with a smile.

"Where did you learn that?" He asked, sitting next to me on the stool.

"A few years ago, at school." I said with a small smile.

"Huh, who knew school could actually be useful." He joked.

"It's news to me."

He laughed a little, pressing on some of the keys.

"Do you know any other instruments?" He asked.

"I can kind of play the guitar."

He stood up, grabbed a guitar off the wall, and handed it to me before sitting again.

I strummed a few chords as he watched me intently, seeming very interested.

"That was amazing." He said, looking at the guitar.

"Thanks." I said quietly with a small smile.

I wasn't used to this kind of stuff, so it was a little awkward.

After a few more minutes of talking, we went downstairs for dinner.

When we got to the dining room, I saw Mr. Thompson and Jack's parents sitting at the table, talking.

Charlie and I sat next to each other, making Jack's parents and Mr. Thompson stop talking.

Karen was going to say something, but stopped when the door opened, and my other brothers walked in.

Everybody started eating and talking to each other while I stayed quiet, trying to ignore the fact that I was sitting at the same table with my dead best friends' parents.

"So, Adeline," Padro spoke, "We haven't spoken in quiet some time; how are you?"

"I'm doing very well; how are you?" I asked politely.

"I'm very good too." He said.

"You have met Adeline before?" Mr. Thompson asked, looking at Karen and Padro.

"Oh, yes, she is a lovely young lady," Karen said, "She was our sons' girlfriend."

All heads turned to me.


"You did what?" Daxton asked quickly.

"We never dated, ma'am," I said quietly, looking at Karen, "We were just friends."

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