Chapter 27

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        We decided to take two cars. Dad was driving Gregory, Vanessa, Moon, and me to the hospital, while DJ was driving Monty, Aunt Roxy, and Aunt Chica to the hospital. As we drove off from the PizzaPlex we saw fire trucks in the distance, I guess someone called them as we drove off. Moon held on to me as the trucks zoomed past the cars. He had trouble letting go of me at all since I came out of the Plex. "Moon...?" I whispered to him. I guess he knew what I was gonna ask. "We were so scared..." He whispered, pulling me closer.

It had just hit me why they were more scared then the others. I pulled him closer to me and held him tightly. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise." I told them. Moon had started to cry, and it hurt me. "I should have stopped you..." There was a shiver in his voice as he told me. "We could have lost you... I did nothing..." He said through sobs. He was blaming himself, but I was the one that scared them. "No... Moon, it's my fault..." I said tears filling my eyes. "I rushed in without thinking and..." We both broke down in tears as we held on to each other. Time seemed to stand still in that moment.

Once we got to the hospital everyone was checked out. Dad had called Bonnie and Uncle Foxy to come over after picking up Jasper. Jasper was happy to see the boy's and me. They practically ran to hug us, and we held them almost as if we hadn't seen them in months. Once Bon saw dad he pulled him close and hugged him. "I'm not willing to wait any longer!" Bonnie let out and got on one knee. He opened a box and all we heard was dad yelling out, "YES! YES! YES!!!" I looked at Moon and smiled. "Looks like I have two dads now." I looked back at them as they held one another, and as I did I felt Sunny grab my hand. I could tell it was him since he would grab my hand in a different yet odd way.

I felt him slip something onto my finger and I looked down. "Sunny?" I asked, looking down at the origami ring he put on me. "When you're ready, we just want to be with you." He said. "Moon and I love you so much, when we're older we want to marry you. We can raise Jasper together, and get a better job than this last one, not to mention just be together...." He looked up at me and I pulled him in. He wasn't expecting a kiss in response to him. "Is that a yes?" I smiled. "Of course!"

A few years passed and so much happened. Dad and Bon adopted Gregory, so I now had a little brother. After the adoption, he opened up more, and we hung out more. He started school and made tons of friends. Aunt Roxy and Aunt Chica got married in the fall. Monty got a girlfriend, Victoria's real sweet. Jasper started to go to preschool and started to call us "Zeze" and "Dada" It's adorable in all honesty.

The whole pizza plex had burnt down and they found the remains of William Afton. He was badly decomposed, and after being cremated and placed next to his family. The company was sued for the building being on unstable ground and once I leaked out the information we had gathered the company was sued again. They fell out of business and dad opened up his own place. The food was actually good, he and the others still entertained kids. Vanessa worked there too, helping with cleaning and guard work.

Dad helped Sunny and I open up a day care of our own. We watched the kids and come nap time Moon came out to read to them. He seemed more happy, finally being out more, and it made me happy. We were the number one daycare in all the town. At the end of one of the days, the boy's asked to take me out. I told them nothing fancy, and so they took me to a pretty spot. There was a hill with a tree on it, hidden from the town's view by trees and a field. He had set up a picnic for us and so we sat down.

I looked out and smiled. "It's amazing out here." I said. They took my hand. "(Y/N)...." They started. They moved in front of me and looked at me. "Sunny? Moon?" I was confused about who was talking. "Both of us.... We both want to do this..." They told me. "(Y/N), will you marry us?" I sat there stunned. "(Y/N)?" They asked. I spring forward and grab them in a hug. We both started to roll down the hill before falling out of each other's arms in the field.

They got up and scurried over to me. "Are you ok?" I nodded and kissed them. "I'd marry you two a million times if I could." I told them. We stayed there just laying together in the field, happy as could be. We decided that spring would be a nice time to marry, and that we wanted to do something small. Jasper helped design it with their scribbled drawings, and Gregory was Sunny's and Moon's best man. It was adorable in my eyes that my love chose my brother as his best man.

When I tossed the bouquet Uncle Foxy caught it. "What? I don't need this! I'm married ta the sea already!" He said tossing it again. This time Monty caught it and smiled. "I will marry her one day!" He smiled walking off. The party continued as we snuck off to dance in the moonlight. "You know... It's not so scary out here with you." They told me. I looked up to the moon and back at them. "It's beautiful.... You've grown, and we've grown. I can't wait to continue our growth together." I told them. They kissed me, causing me to smile.

I had an idea and looked up to him. "Remember the first time we kissed?" I asked. "Yeah, it was us running and us being scared...." They told me. I took their hand and smiled. "Dad's taking Jasper tonight, so it's just you and me... no fear this time..." I told him, smiling. He looked back and smiled. I started running and they followed after. We were both laughing as we ran away from the party and once we were in front of our house. They picked me up and spun me before putting me down to kiss me. It was one of the many best kisses I would ever get from them, and I couldn't wait for more. "I love you..." I told them. "We love you too, (Y/N)."


That's the end. I wrote this book to help comfort me with my grandma's death, so I hope it comforted you all too. Those 4 months of me being missing was because of my great grandpa's death. My mental health just sucked... May gave me death threats because of me being gay and trans... but I decided you all have been waiting and have been so kind to me that I had to finish the book. I'm sorry for the wait. I love you all, I hope you enjoyed it, and have a lovely night.


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