18 (Arizona)

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         Lunch with my boss shouldn't have been as enjoyable as it ended up being. He's a hard ass and he's rude, but I can still somehow maintain over an hour and a half's worth of conversation with him. Or at least I did this weekend. 

On Monday I received the email of the selected photographs that'd be featured in the piece written on Porter. All three were great pictures of him. There was a second email with some more of the photos, but those were the extras that he mentioned he'd send to me anyway.

        Porter wasn't in yet since he had something to do this morning, so I couldn't show him just yet, but I did know someone who wanted to see them too. Before I did that though, I took a look for myself at the extras. One in particular caught my attention. 

I had the photo opened on my laptop while I stared at it closely. 

It was a wide angle shot they'd taken while testing the lighting or something. I was standing close enough to the set that I could be seen, but it wasn't about me. It was about Matthew Porter and how he was looking at me. 

Maybe it was just the angle and the flash of a second ,but his full attention was solely on me and it wasn't because we were speaking. I wasn't even looking at him. I was turned slightly away.

        "Whatcha doing?" Amber's voice brought me out of my own ridiculous thoughts. I jumped and scrambled to exit the picture, which made me look more suspicious than if I just left the picture on there. "Uh, what was that? Why'd you panic?" she laughed. 

She's a medium height girl, but she always feels larger to me somehow. Big boned maybe. Her fashion was on point, which didn't surprise me if she was Porter's right hand.

I never asked her age, but it had to be in range with how old Porter is. I know she's older than me by at least a few years. 

       "Nothing, just the Forbes photos. You just scared me is all" I lied. "Okay, you look guilty. Spill" she moved me aside, leaning over the laptop on our shared desk, trying to find what it was that I was hiding. I sighed but decided I wanted her opinion. 

"It's just...that," I said, bringing the photo back up and pointing to Porter without mentioning myself. I wanted to see if she spotted it without my mentioning it.

        She leaned in closer and looked at him, then followed his eyeline straight to me. "Hm," she said. "Hm? Hm, what? What does that mean?" I asked. "Kinda looks like he's checking you out" she made a surprised expression I should've been offended by. I understood her surprise though. He's so handsome and I'm... 

"He was probably scowling at me for something I did. I annoyed him the entire time" I took my thought back. "Probably then" she shrugged along.

I won't lie and say I didn't want her to disagree with me. If she said, 'no he's looking at you like he wants you' I would've been much more satisfied. Not that I'd do anything about it, but I could at least have a moment of vanity for catching the eye of such a man.

        I shook my head clear of the idea and gathered my things. "Where are you going?" she asked in confusion. "To show the selected photos to the person Porter doesn't want me to show them too...Mr.Moore" I gave a sheepish look. He'd called me first thing and asked about them. It was intimidating that he contacted me directly, but kind of cool that he seemed to like me. 

"Oh boy, alright then. Have fun in the big leagues" she pointed to the floor above us.

        I took the elevator up and found that same serious faced secretary that I saw before. "Hi, I'm here to see Mr.Moore" I told her the obvious. "Is he expecting you?" she asked dryly. I bet she knew that he was expecting me and still asked just to be rude. 

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