89 (Selene)(Double)

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"I didn't know daddy! I didn't know what would happen! I swear to you I didn't know" Melanie sobbed as she grabbed at him hysterically. "Melanie, hold on, breathe honey. Tell me everything" I heard David trying to console her.

"I didn't know it would kill her! Mom lied to me! She wanted to get rid of Renald and come back to you daddy, and I wanted that too, so I listened to her. She told me it'd be another prank to drive Trisha crazy and get her to leave! It was only supposed to make her shit herself!"

Melanie continued to hysterically yell and grab at her father's arms like she was trying to crawl back from something. Maybe hell.

Andrew and I entered the room and David looked shocked and frozen."What are you saying Mel? You did it?" Andrew froze in place and asked his sister. "Don't say another word Melanie. We need to get you a lawyer and...and we'll figure this out" David shook his daughter to stop her. He didn't want her confessing in front of me.

"I knew you'd protect her" I hissed at David who was consoling a murderer.

"You heard her, Selene, Jessica manipulated her. You can't ruin my daughter's life based on a mistake of trusting her own mother" he told me.

"If she's even telling the truth! She is an oscar winning actress and you people fall for her bullshit every time! You killed my mother" I screeched before trying to lunge at her. Andrew caught me in his arms and David quickly pulled Melanie behind him.

"Selene, please, come to your senses and listen to me. We all agree. Jessica did this," David tried finding common ground.

"You heard her! She helped! Let me go Andrew! Let me go," I screamed. He is damn strong and was good at holding me to him even when I tried lunging like a mad woman.

"What did you do Mel? What did you do" he kept repeating under his breath. He was shaking his head at her in disbelief and it made her burst into tears all over again.

"I swear I didn't mean to kill her. I just wanted to humiliate her enough for her to leave dad. I just wanted our family back! Mom did everything! She planned the idea and gave me the flowers to put into the tea blend. I only did it once. The second round she did herself when she showed up here one time. Selene, I swear to god I didn't know" she blurted everything out.

"MELANIE! Melanie, don't say another word!" David warned her. He grabbed hold of her and dragged her out of the room.

I thrashed in Andrew's arms, but it did no good and they got away. When Andrew finally let go of me I noticed he looked unwell. He was trembling and his eyes were fixed in one place. I grabbed his face to try and get him to snap out of it.

"They really did it. They really killed her" he whispered. I could feel his shivering and knew he was in shock. "Come sit, someone bring water" I shouted out.

"They really did it. I didn't want to believe it. Melanie.." when he said his sister's name his eyes shot up to me from where they'd been fixed before, and he grabbed my arms almost how she grabbed her fathers.

"What did she do? Selene, I- I know you're mad, but please hear her out. I believe what she said. My mother is a manipulator and Melanie is gullible and stupid. Please, don't get her convicted. She wouldn't survive prison" he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I had to look away from him.

"She helped her. She's part of the reason why my mom is dead. How can you ask that of me?" I pulled his hands off me. He put them back and tried to make me look at him again. "And she'll live with that guilt for the rest of her life, but she didn't wanna kill her, Selene. You know that" he told me. I just stared at him with a hard expression.

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