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Hey readers! As you could read in the title, this is a book for my RQ and SL AUs! Updates might not come very often (since I'm not the best at creating new concepts :/), so I'll warn you about that right now. I do have some draft AUs I need to finish writing details for tho-

All I ask is that you don't steal or copy any AU found here. I may do claimable AUs later, but for now, please do not ask to claim any of my AUs. I'm going to say no.

Oh, and if you find someone didn't listen and did steal/copy something from here, please be sure to tell me. Ty!

Below is a key that I know will come in handy later:

🌸 = Rainbow Quest AU

🌺 = Steve Legends AU

🌼 = Twisted Rainbow AU

So that's all you need to know! See you in the first AU!


𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒 • Rainbow Quest and Steve Legends AUsWhere stories live. Discover now