Chapter 1

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You stared at the clear blue sky after seeing it for the first time, feeling the heat of the sun and the different sensation of the air, it was new to you, after the agreement of your next mission you were sent outside the underground city

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You stared at the clear blue sky after seeing it for the first time, feeling the heat of the sun and the different sensation of the air, it was new to you, after the agreement of your next mission you were sent outside the underground city.

As soon as you get out, you’ve got this feeling of being relieved, you can’t explain but this is what you felt. You didn’t expect the world outside would be this beautiful.
You’re curious about the people’s lives here.

“Let’s go,” you look at Elias who is accompanying you to the survey corps, you are only following to where he was going as he was already used to this place.

Elias is also works for Mr. Groovy, but he has different job unlike your bloody work, instead, he solely uses his intelligent. He’s Mr. Groovy’s envoy from outside the Underground City, and dealing with the negotiation here.

You keep glancing out the window of the carriage, attracted by the surroundings and watching people walking along the street.

You wonder what kind of life they have here and you’re hoping to adapt with their environment. You’re still ignorant on this place, and you hope everything will turn out well.

“You’re going to join the survey corps, aren’t you afraid of titans?” You turned your head to Elias, who was sitting next to you in his business suit, looking so exquisite as if he wasn’t up to anything bad.

“Why would I be frightened of titans? My only mission is to kill Levi not terminating the titans.” You replied to him turning your gaze outside.

You heard him sigh in disbelief. “Look, you’ll be sent out outside the walls with them to fight those terrifying titans, you should also worry yourself there. By the way, have you learned everything the documents I sent you?” At this point you’re starting to feel irritated by him.

“I already am Elias, don’t worry I’ll carry the mission as soon as possible, I’m sure it’ll be simple.” You responded without glancing at him.

Elias was frustrated at your response, he was thinking that you’re not taking this seriously as he only muttered, “Let’s see if you can still say simple if you meet him.”

You merely rolled your eyes even he can’t see your expression. It makes no difference at you; all that matters is to kill Levi Ackerman and nothing else.

You stand on your feet as Elias leaves you alone at this unfamiliar place. You stare at the building in front of you. “So this is the survey corps.” It was much bigger than you expected.

As you remember reading the documents Elias gave to you, they were the ones that were fighting the titans, doing the expedition outside to learn about their existence and it got you inquisitive about how they looked. Are they really that disturbing?

You turned your attention to the woman approaching you. She has her hair tied up and is wearing glasses. “You must be Y/N, who submitted the application letter.”

She begins with a broad smile and a grasp for your hand. Wait, did I submit anything? Oh, it must be Elias’ doing. “Y-yes it’s me…” you hesitated but you replied, giving her an uneasy smile. She was too cheerful, too hard to handle.

You two enter the building with someone carrying your belongings for you, and you’re scared that they’ll find out about the gun you brought.

“By the way I’m Hange, the section Commander of this regiment but you can just call me by my name Hange, no Section Commander.” She introduced herself, and you only smile at her pretending it's pleasure meeting her.

You continued to walk just following her from behind, observing everyone who passed you by. You just realized they were wearing the same uniform, and you’re thinking of wearing the same uniform as they to blend in them without knowing your true intentions of why you’re here.

You can’t help yourself but to grin, things are getting more interesting. Isn’t it exciting?

As you keep on looking around, out of sudden you bump into someone who forces you to retreat. You stare at this man irritably, yet he merely stares back at you with a stern expression.

He’s getting on your nerve for no apparent reason. “Watch your step.” He said before continuing to walk. You grimaced watching his back as he leaves, damn this attitude man.

You turn to face Hange after hearing her laugh. “I’m sorry, Levi is always like that, don’t mind him.” She said, prompting you to twitch at the mention of Levi. “Are you referring to Levi Ackerman?”

You wanted to know if your guess was correct. She pause for awhile before nodding and responding, “Yes.” You turn around to see Levi, but he’s already gone.

So that was him, Levi Ackerman, and I was finally able to meet him.

“Are you two already acquainted?” She inquired, and you followed her as she began to walk. “No, I simply know his name, you know he’s famous, the humanity’s strongest soldier, Levi Ackerman.” You reasoned out and thankful to find one.

You two come to a halt in front of the door, staring at the door with interest. Before opening she said, “For the past few months we’ve been looking for volunteers with expertise in medicine to send in battlefield with the scouts and we were glad that you submitted an application letter, you’re so brave, Y/N. We’re looking forward working with you.” You stare at her, puzzled and surprised.

Wait what?! Expertise in medicine, are they insane? Why sending me in this mission when I know nothing about medicine, and don’t even have a study, shit this old man. I’m fucked up!

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