Chapter 20

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Sasha opened the door and was astonished to see that you were soaked

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Sasha opened the door and was astonished to see that you were soaked. Eren quickly wraps you in a warm towel. It was still raining as you arrived at the house and the sun is just beginning to set.

“Where are Mikasa and Jean?” You inquire as you walked inside, but you must first change your clothes before you got sick. “They went in search of you with Captain. We were concerned since only two of them returned.” Armin said.

You sneezes uncontrollably made them startled. “Sorry, by the way here’s the money, it was taken but here I take it back.” You give them the pocket money and excused yourself to change clothes. As you dress yourself inside your room, you sneeze once more. You rub your nose because it itches terribly.” Fuck!”

Now you went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Now that you’re cooking, Levi with Jean and Mikasa finally arrived. You went outside the kitchen to see them.

“I’m sorry if I made you worried.” You said, they were surprised to see you already at home. “Y/N, are you okay? The kid shouldn’t have been chased.” Mikasa says, approaching with concern.

You shook your head and replied, “I’m fine, and I take the money back.” You shifted your gaze towards Levi who you noticed was staring at you. He walk away heading to his room without saying anything. Wait is he mad?

“We only found the unconscious bodies of the thieves at the narrow place, did someone help you?” Jean asked which you look at him and it took you by surprised.

You pause for a moment and find reason to say, you look at them as they all waiting for your response, even Levi waited it before he walked inside his room. You dryly gulp as they anticipated.

“Y-yeah, there are two people that help me and luckily I got the money back.” Of course it was lie, the truth is you handle those ugly bitches with your own. You’re relived that it works making them believe it. “Good to hear.” Jean said. You watch Levi walk inside his room, expecting him to reprimand you for being clumsy or something.

Returning to the kitchen you continue cooking. While waiting for it to cooked, you sat down because your head began to pain terribly, and it hurts a lot. You lean to the table and close your eyes to ease the pain. “Damn, it hurts.”

Sasha frowns and looks over at the house, wondering what he just smelled. She stood up and started to sniff the area. “What’s wrong Sasha?” Connie asked because of her weird behavior. “It’s smells like burnt.”

She then replied then follows to where the smell is. Everyone in the house was confused at her and they all followed her with gaze as she continued to walk in the direction of the smell. She arrived at the kitchen where she sees the dinner you were cooking burned. “Oh no!”

She quickly run towards it and removed the pan from the fire. She looks at you who as you’re currently sleeping at the table. “Y/N, it was burned, Captain will-,” she was halted when she approached you and see you in heavy breathing.

She tried to wake you up, but only to find you were in high fever when she touches your forehead. She called everyone, which caused them to panic. “She’s very pale.” “Is she sick?” “Go, call Captain Levi right now.”

It was middle of the night when you awoke with an aching head that is now slightly less painful. You gently stroke your head as you gradually open your eyes. You stare at the ceiling and waiting to have your vision back.

“Fuck.” You groan silently, and trying to recall everything. As your vision finally getting better, you frown looking at the ceiling, it wasn’t familiar to you.

Where am I?

You slowly stood up after lying down, but as you tried to stand up, the ache in your head grew greater, so you instantly lay back down in the bed. “You’re finally awake,” a recognizable voice at your side said, startling you because you recognize it.

With your eyes wide open because of surprise you look at your side and see Levi who is in his table near in the bed working on documents.

“L-levi what…”

“Just stay there and sleep. You have a high fever because you stayed in the rain.” He said, you only look at him as he didn’t look at your way. He was focused on his work. Still working in this late night.

You are at a loss for what to do as you return your gaze to the ceiling. You lay there silently and recalling what had happen before losing consciousness. You took a deep sigh after finally remembering everything.

The last thing you remembered was that you had been sleeping on the table with headache, and that was it. You were compelled to ask why you’re here, and where it is.

You look back at him, “Levi…”he hummed upon calling his name, but still never look at you. “…where am I?” You finally asked, and he replied right away, “You’re in my room.”It made you dumbfounded knowing you were in his room and sleeping on his bed. I have my own room with Mikasa and Sasha, why am I here?

“Don’t worry I won’t do anything, you can sleep here.” He said, and you are loss of words to say. You stayed silent. “Don’t do it again.” You heard him say again. You stare at him, unsure of what he was trying to say.

You stare at him in confusion as he finally turned to face you. “About what?” You asked him while contemplating what you did to get him to say that.

“To put yourself in danger, you shouldn’t have chased that kid it’s a dangerous act and might have killed you.” He replied. You continue to stare at each other as you asked directly, “Are you worried about me?” to which you regretted right away as his gaze grew darker.

Fuck, I should never have asked. But he replied right away and saying, “Yes, I’m worried, so don’t do that again.”

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