Chapter 11

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You gently open your eyes as you hear this familiar voice say, “Y/N”

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You gently open your eyes as you hear this familiar voice say, “Y/N”. You glance up at this person as your vision finally becomes clear. “Mikasa?” You took a stand rubbing your eyes.

When she responded, “Eren is finally awake,” you felt relieved and are happy. You treated prioritizing Eren right away after coming back from the expedition. You’re glad that he is now getting better.

You headed to Eren’s room with Mikasa to check him. Upon arriving you walked inside, and there you noticed Levi sitting in a chair next to Eren’s bed and idly sipping his tea.

As soon as his eyes landed on you as you entered, you immediately shifted your gaze to Eren who is now appearing to be in good shape. He is not pale and his recovery is happening more quickly than you may think.

You walked towards Eren and check his temperature. Now, his body temperature is normal. Thank goodness…

“Eren, don’t overwork yourself. When you force yourself after turning to your titan form, your body weakens and becomes ill, and this is because you are overworking it. Avoid doing it as it can worsen. Be calm at all times and avoid putting your mind under stress.” You remind him, you say as you pat his head.

After receiving a nod in response, you smile at him. You administer his medication, then keep all your things and get ready to leave.
You took a stand and walked heading to the door without looking back and excusing yourself to leave, ignoring Levi.

He’s not a patient that needed treatment, he’s fine. “Are you already leaving? You haven’t treated me yet.” You furrowed your brows and turned to look at Levi, who was showing his hand with a small scratch. Damn, Levi can’t you just live me alone till I’ll kill you. I’ve already given you time for you to accomplish your duty.

You said as you started to walk, “It won’t need treatment, it’s not a life threatening.” He then retorted, “You’re our medic, you’re supposed to treat everyone in my squad regardless of how big or small the wound is, bruises or scratches. It’s your duty to cure us because you’re a paid medic,” as you were about to open the door.

You don’t know that he has this side of him, thus he is treating this minor scrape as a big deal. You merely let out a deep sigh and forced yourself to approach him because you couldn’t stand his stare any longer.

You get another chair from the room’s corner and took a seat in front of him. You take quick glance at him before averting your eyes to see that he is just staring on you.

“Uhm, I’ll have to take my leave now, please excuse me.” Mikasa said, as she quickly left the room. You saw Eren tried to call her back, but he decided against doing so and instead to return to his bed and pretend to sleep. You took another sigh, you’re going to treat this quickly as it’s only a scratch, and you want to leave this place as his presence made you feel uneasy.

As you’re treating Levi’s scratches, the room is silent. It was an awkward silence. Then, your mission crosses in your mind. You’re only letting him to live for now, but right after they get to the basement and succeed in their goals, then it will be the right time to kill him, and you won’t feel guilt about it.

“What are you thinking? Do you have me on your mind?” You immediately look at him after hearing what he had said to you. “What on earth are you talking about?” You rolled your eyes and continue treating him.

You only chose to ignore him even though you heard him chuckle. He’s kind of irritating sometimes, and sometimes can make you feel afraid; this is what kind of vibe he is giving to you.

“You’re all done.” You said and you breathed a sigh of relief. Fixing your things preparing to leave, you stopped abruptly in shock as he began to unbutton his shirt. You automatically took a stand and distance yourself away from him.

“W-w-what the hell are you doing?!” You exclaims, stammering with shock. He pauses and frowns as he looks at you in confusion. You’re eyes widen and heart beaten fast as he keeps taking his shirt buttons off. You were just staring at him when you noticed a smirk on his lips. “What are you even thinking?” He whispered.

As he eventually removes his clothing, revealing his built body, you almost gasp aloud when you notice a disorganized bandage covering his stomach with a bloodstain. You were surprised even more to see his condition. He has a serious injury, he should’ve told me, you thought.

“I got it when we’re outside the walls.” You sat back down and untied the bandages in him. Damn, it’s the real deal. “Why didn’t you go to the infirmary? It’s worse.” You breathed heavily after seeing the wound; you could feel how painful it was. He appeared to have been stabbed, it’s deep, but it looks like its healing. “Why going there, when we have our own medic?”

You give him a surprised expression. If only they knew you were merely pretending. You’ve began tending his wound. Every time you touch it, you feel the pain and you even wince. You sneak a peek out of concern that it would hurt him but instead you see him simply looking at you.

You immediately avert his gaze and continue to treating him. He wasn’t even flinching. “I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt that much.” He then said in a low tone of his voice. Dryly gulping, you consider whether he was able to read your mind.

You can now relax your breathing after treating his wound, securing it by wrapping the bandage around his waist. “There. It’s all done.” It took you over an hour to treat his wound alone, and you handled it well. “I appreciate it.” He said.

He took a stand and wears his shirt back. You fix your things for you to leave, and you still have duty in the infirmary. “I’m taking my leave now.” You remarked as you excused yourself.

You were about to exit the room when he began to speak causing you to stop, “No, just stay here, take your rest and I will tell them that you’re monitoring Eren.” You turn around and looked at him confused. You were going to argue with him when he started to walk and exited the room.

You found it amusing because he doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort as he walks and isn’t even grunting or wincing.  It left you with no choice, you sighed as you watched him shut the door. Since you can now finally rest, you are very happy. It was really a restless day.

You look at Eren who is now sleeping peacefully and check his temperature again. Now that he’s recovered, you hope that even after becoming a titan, he won’t ever get sick again. You took a seat and put your feet up on the other chair. I can finally take lengthy snooze.

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