Chapter 14

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Heading to the infirmary, what Levi said to you yesterday had made you keep thinking, and even you couldn’t sleep at night

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Heading to the infirmary, what Levi said to you yesterday had made you keep thinking, and even you couldn’t sleep at night. You culdn’t believe Levi had suspicions about him already.

You must inform Elias of it because it is not good. When you turn at the corner, you run into someone causing you to recoil. Your heart leaps in pure surprise as you look up to see Levi standing in front of you.

You pass him fast while maintaining a straight posture. Levi grabs your hand and stopped you firmly. You stare at him, somewhat surprised, wondering what is going through his head. Did he also suspect me?

You were alerted when he looked at you and loosened his grip on your hand as you finally faced him. You gulp dryly and slip your hand into your pocket to reach for your gun. Oh fuck, I don’t have it.

You flinches when he began to speak, “What are you thinking, I’m just going to pick you up.” The look in your face come into realization, as you remembered their experiment and training for Eren.

You were in charge to be their medic as you switched with Leisel. “O-oh right, I forgot.” You said back to him and laugh awkwardly. You nearly forgot your new duty.

You’re now thinking that you must pay attention more in your surrounding as time passes you’re always getting closer to Levi.

You ride in the carriage with Levi and since you are uncomfortable with his presence; you look out the window and clench your hands together. Levi cast a quick glance at you as he notices your behavior.

“Am I causing you discomfort?” You immediately turn to look at him upon hearing him say. You were taken aback as he was too honest. Not even a direct response is possible. You looked away and finally you replied, “A bit,” but in a low tone of your voice.

He instantly understands you and giggles when he hears your truthful response. “Look at your right side.” You raise your brows and turn to face him, misunderstanding what he truly meant.

He gestures toward something on your side, so you quickly turn to look at it. You find a piece of a rose, and this time it is color pink. You never notice it earlier. You immediately look at him surprised.

He only curves a little smile as he said, “Take it, it’s yours.” You look back at the pink rose and take it. You smell it and the lovely scent make you smile, you couldn’t hide.

“There’s many of them, and different colors.” Your eyes twinkled as you look at Levi surprised hearing it. “Really?!” Even your excitement was difficult to conceal.

You may not realize it, but flowers excite you. It gives flutter in your heart to see a rose. He nodded, and you ask him once more, “How about white, is there a color white of rose, and even red?” You look at him in anticipation of his response, “Yeah, there is.”

And your smile grows wider as you become more excited. As you were staring at the flower, Levi looks at you, staring you of how it made you happy. He merely continued to look at you until you arrived.

As you were walking closer to the others on the field, you looked around the place and were astonished to see Elias there with them. You wonder what he is doing with them.

As you neared them, Elias looks at your way and gives you a quick smile. Stop doing that Levi has already raise suspicions about you.

You were taken aback when you heard Levi say, “Tch,” after seeing Elias. You’re thinking that their interaction won’t be pleasant.

You only ignored Elias and swift your attention to Hange. “Finally you’re here. As you can see Dr. Elias will be joining us today as we’ll be observing Eren practice his hardening skills. “ You take a look at him giving him a confusing look. You don’t know what Elias is thinking, you wonder if he has any plans in mind.

At the distance, you placed yourself away from them since it is dangerous and Elias is beside you. Eren’s hardening power does not have complete control.

“Spill it out.” You whispered since scout’s were all round you. He frowned and asked without looking at you, “About what?” You replied him instantly, “About your plan for why you are here.”

“I don’t have plan, I’m only here because of my job. I’m observing him.” He said back at you. You only sigh and keep your gaze on Eren’s titan form. It is your first time seeing his hardening skill, it was resembled to crystal. It made you curious of why there’s titan, why they are eating people, and even Eren can transform into titan, you wonder if you can too.

“Why’s he keep staring at me.” You furrowed your brows in response to his statement and recognized the person he was referring to as you look to it. You see Levi wearing his gear at the distance with his gaze fixated on Elias.

Damn, he’s watching Elias’s move if he will do something bad. He already suspected him, what should I do? Should I tell Elias about it?

When Levi shifted his gaze on you, he immediately looked away. “Is he jealous or something?” Even the surprise caused your mouth to gape open, it was unpredictable thought of Elias.

“And why would he feel jealous?” You asked and he replied, “Because we are together, I guess.” You furrowed your brows in confusion you stare at him couldn’t believe on what he is thinking, Elias face at you and stare at your eyes like he was reading you. His stare kind of doubted you.

“What?” “Don’t tell me you’re dating Levi.” You breathe a loud exclaims and widen your eyes in shock. “What led you to think that? I don’t have a relationship with him, damn you, Elias!”

He grimaced in agony as you struck him in the shoulder out of the blue. You instantly lower your voice after realizing where you are but it already got the notice of the scouts nearby, so you promptly apologize. “Stop thinking that way.” You whispered.

He simply gives you a dissatisfied expression when he does so. He sighed and looked forward. “Come on, don’t give me that look.” You remarked.

“Don’t let your guard down Y/N, we are in the territory of our enemy. Do not allow them to deceive you. We don’t know what their plans are.” You then replied to him, “I know, I am always thinking about my mission since that is what is the most important to me.”

He stares at you for a while before saying, “Be careful, Y/N, we don’t know what will going to be happen next.”

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