Chapter 17

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“Whether you like it or not, you’ll be coming with us

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“Whether you like it or not, you’ll be coming with us.” You are now thinking if you heard him right and are even perplexed as to what he meant. You only respond by giving him a dubious look because you don’t know what to say.

He stares at you expecting your reaction already, since he hasn’t yet explained.
He then said, “We are moving, and we're taking you with us since you are our medic, and also to monitor Eren’s condition. Go pack your things, we will be waiting.”

He finally gave an explanation, but you weren’t satisfied, you were still perplexed. You wanted to ask for more but you choose not to and you decided to follow what he said. You head back to you room which you found Leisel there.

You gather your belongings and place them all in a box. After telling it to Leisel, she then look so sad, she may not telling how she felt but you can see it in her eyes. She helps you fixing your things.

Before closing the door you said to her that, “Please tell your brother about this, as I won’t be able to see him while I’m gone.” She nodded and replied, “Just be careful Y/N, we don’t know it might be a trap.”

You now head back outside; upon arriving Connie helps you to carry your things. “We’re glad you came with us.” He then said, and you hesitantly replied, “I’m not that much of help, but I’ll try my best.”

“Get ready everyone we’re leaving in a minute.” Levi said, you turned around to him approaching you. You took a deep breath as he got closer to you. “Wear this.” You look at the cloth he was handing to you.

It was the scout’s cloak. You wonder why he was giving it to you and wanted him you to wear it. Everything might be confusing to you but you’re still following what he was telling you to do.

“You’ll be riding the horse with Mikasa, and you need to wear that.” He said before he walk away headed to his horse. You swiftly don the cloak and Mikasa helps you on hopping into the horse. They were also wearing a cloak. You don’t know but it made you felt anxious.

You’re on the way heading to somewhere you don’t know. Your grip on Mikasa’s waist tightens when the horse’s pace speed up. Fuck!

“You okay, Y/N?” You heard Mikasa asked in a loud voice, you nodded and response with, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Riding a horse scares you because you’ve never done it before and you didn’t know that it would be like this. After a long while of travel you finally arrived at your destination.

In the midst of nowhere there was a small house, you wonder whether this is the place where you’ll be staying.

“There are only three rooms here; and girls’ and boys’ will be separated, the other room is mine. However, we must first clean this place, now move.” After Levi gave his order, they quickly start moving and cleaning the place. You might not have realized that they were so obedient. Because you are at a loss for where to begin, you merely stand there.

Levi approached you with a broom and handed it to you, saying, “What are you doing standing there, get yourself work.” You stare at it for a second before taking it from him. You’ve got no choice but to do so.

You head towards the kitchen since no one is cleaning there. Back in the underground city, you used to cook for everyone, and they all genuinely enjoyed it. You really miss cooking now. Cooking here might not be harmful, you thought to yourself.

After cleaning the place, you decided to cook since it was getting dark outside, and it is time to prepare dinner. You begin cooking because there are already vegetables, ingredients, and everything else you could possibly need.

The only one who notices you while you are busy cooking is Levi, who is now standing next to the door with his back leaning against it and is staring at you. Since you’re too focus on cooking you haven’t notice him yet. He stays there till you’re done.

You almost jumped in surprise when you heard him say, “I didn’t know you can cook,” just as you finished cooking. You turned to look at him as he wiped the table’s remaining dust with his bare hand“…And you’re bad at cleaning.” You’re pleased with his compliment, but it immediately fades when he adds a negative remark.

Suddenly the others arrived, lead by Sasha who exclaims. “What’s this smell? It’s smell so good.” You watch them enter, and it was visible in their faces that they were hungry. “I cooked for the dinner and hope you’ll like it.”

While eating, the place was covered with silence. It was too quiet and it made you feel anxious. You wonder if they don’t like your cooking, if it tastes bad. As you eat, it didn’t taste bad though.

As you continued stare them, you couldn’t help yourself to be nervous. When you look at Levi, he was only eating in silence like he normally does, but this silence drives you insane.

You were about to ask if the food taste bad when Sasha suddenly looks at you. You gulp dryly when her stares were so intense. “My God, Y/N, it’s delicious. I’ve never tasted like this before.” She suddenly exclaims

. “Yeah, it was really good.” Connie added as everyone in the table agreed. You feel relieved since contrary to what you had assumed, they actually enjoy it. You were happy to hear it from them.

“You’re really good Y/N, unlike Captain’s coo--,” Sash added but she was cut off as Jean quickly covers her mouth out of sudden. Everyone was surprise to Sasha and look at Levi terrified. They are really scared to Levi. Levi appears to not care when you glance at him from the side and he keeps eating.

There was a protracted awkward silence.
“So Eren, are you feeling okay today, you need to prepare yourself for tomorrow’s training.” Armin suddenly breaks the silence. He was only changing the mood inside because of what Sasha did earlier. You only watch them as their conversation grows and now forgetting what Sasha did.

You couldn’t help yourself but feel sad. Scouting is a highly dangerous job. As you look at them, they look like everything’s fine and they are like having no worries but you know how worried they are, of how they can bring victory for humanity.

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