Special Chapter: Encounter 2

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“That Priest isn’t my problem.” Levi uttered as he walked through the hallway maintaining his calm demeanor. Hange followed him and keep convincing to accept the request from the higher.

The scouts were requested to escort the priest who had entered the Underground City. They can’t lose that Priest since he holds a significant position in the government.

“Come on Levi, he’s at risk and the black government resides there.” Levi only gave her a ‘tch’ he had no other option but to follow the order from their government.

Armin and Mikasa, two members from his squad, Moblit and the other scout under Hange joined the group. As they rode their horses toward the Underground City, they wore plain coats without their regimental logos so that residents there would only recognize them as military police.

They at last arrived after an hour. As Levi descended into the Underground City, he experienced a wave of nostalgia because this is where he used to be. He clearly remembers how miserable and chaotic life was here.

The three of them including Levi are patrolling the area as Hange, and her members heading to the bar, where the Priest is.

Levi was irritated by the fact that the priest came here for entertainment. He continually scans the area in search of anything odd as they nonchalantly stroll across the street while acting like a military police force.

He expected to run across someone from Black Government, where he had formerly worked. Furlan and Isabel suddenly have crossed in his mind; he had missed them dearly.

“I heard you were born here, Captain.” Armin asked, Levi responded with a, “Yeah, this is the place where I came from,” but someone caught his attention as they continued to walk.

This is where you encounter him for the first time. He fixed his gaze on you, but you just walked straight forward without taking a glance to him.

He stopped as he finally passed you and ordered the two to keep patrolling the area while he was surreptitiously following you without your knowledge. He couldn’t explain but there’s something on you that bothered him.

As you finally arrived at the bar, he walked inside the only time he loses his sight of you. He was wondering if you worked here. He roamed his eyes around, the place was crowded and he couldn’t see you, he did spot Hange and Moblit sitting at a table.

He approached them frowning when he sees Hange intoxicated. “She keep on drinking, I can’t stop her.” Moblit said, as he keeps pulling the beer away from her. Levi sat down next to them.

He then asked, “Where’s the Priest?” Levi looks around and finally sees you exited the door wearing an apron carrying a tray with beer.

“He was upstairs and he even paid a whore for his entertainment.” It’s not surprising to him since this place plenty of whores who wanted to have money slapped on their faces.

Hange immediately shouts “One more beer, please,” grabbing your attention. As you walked towards them, Levi keeps his stare at you. You didn’t realize that he was drawn to you and seemed interested in you for some reason.

“Section Commander Hange, enough already!” As you finally take your leave and headed upstairs he keep staring at you until you finally disappear in his sight.

When he turns back to look at Hange, he discovers that Hange has collapses on the table. He only took a heavy sigh in frustration.

Levi stayed, waiting for the priest to come out, the door of the bar open and the scout their companion rushes in.

“Captain Levi, the Priest is in danger, Pastor Nick just delivered a message that one of the black government came here to kill him.” As he exclaims approaching Levi, suddenly he took a stand in utter surprised. “Go upstairs and grab that old shit down here.” He commanded.

“We have to leave.” Levi said helping Moblit to carry Hange. But before he could move, he silently gasps as the place suddenly covered with smoke. It’s blocking his vision. Is this poisonous? he thought.

Inside, the people are wailing and panicking. Because he was unable to see any, he was concerned that the Priest would soon attack. “Moblit, take care of Hange, I’ll have to protect the Priest.”

He walked through the haze, even he couldn’t see anything. He kept running across people who were in frenzy, and he keeps cursing out of this situation. When his vision eventually cleared and reached the stairs, he swiftly started climbing the stairs.

His eyes widened as he entered an open room where he sees the priest’s lifeless body lying on the floor, covered in blood. “I totally underestimated them, shit!”

He exited the room and run through the hallway to which he finally reaches the last room, just to see the scout collapse on the floor unconscious.

He quickly dashed forward the window to see it open and gazes outside just in time he sees you and Elias landed on the ground and escape, he couldn’t clearly sees your faces, but he was certain.

He never expects that you were the one who sent to assassinate the Priest; he thought that you were only an innocent girl with pretty face but you’re not. “You got us.” The only words he could say.

“The officials sent resentment to us after the Priest died.” Erwin said as Levi sat down on the couch while Hange gazing out through the window discussing with Erwin.

“It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have-,” Hange was cut off when Levi suddenly stated, “It was his fault for going there alone; it’s not our problem anymore, why requesting us for the first place?”

Erwin took a sigh as he stares at the document he had in his hand. “The one, who killed the Priest, is our last applicant, and she is Y/N. We don’t yet have proof since it’s only the speculation of Pastor Nick; he was still gathering information to prove his speculation. That day the Priest was killed, you’ve seen the girl right, Levi?” Erwin asked him.

Levi looked at him for a while before he nodded in response, and said, “She was looking innocent but she is deadly.”

“She’s here.” Hange uttered. Erwin and Levi took a stand to see. “I’ll go pick her up.” Hange volunteered and headed outside. As you stand there outside of the building they stare at you from the window, Levi then said, “That’s her.”

Erwin curved a smirk thinking this is getting interesting. “So she was sent here to kill you base to the information from Pastor Nick.”

He turned around to face Levi, and continued, “I’m giving you a task, to refrain her from killing you.” He furrowed his brows as he didn’t take his glance away from you. “What is it?” he asked.

“Win his heart. Make her fall in love with you so she can’t kill you and making it easy to capture her.” Levi suddenly look at him on surprise, he pauses for a while before saying, “Is this some kind of gamble?”

Erwin smile as he walked back to his desk and Levi only watches him sat down to his chair. “Yes, a risky gamble, it is now up to you, Levi, to decide whether you will let her kill you or fool her.”

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