Chapter 12

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Armin and Mikasa greeted you as you passed them in the corridor early in the morning as they were leaving Levi’s office

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Armin and Mikasa greeted you as you passed them in the corridor early in the morning as they were leaving Levi’s office. You returned their greeting by smiling. After they go, your smile vanishes; even though it was only morning, you were really upset.

Who wouldn’t be mad if Levi requested you to be his personal nurse? You are supposed to be the team’s medic, but he requested that you will serve as his personal, and in fact today is your day off. You were really mad as a result. What the fuck!

You knock on the door multiples times until you get a response from him inside. You took a calming breath before you open the door, as if it helps to calm you.

As you walked in, you saw Levi on his desk, drinking his tea. You wonder if he has a tea addiction since you always saw him drinking tea. You simply approach him while being unpleasant.

“Don’t give me that long face, Y/N.” He said, causing you to roll your eyes in him.
You will merely change his bandages, and then you will immediately leave, there's no other reason for you to stay here. You were surprised when you saw his wound after removing his bandage. It quickly healed.

Is this the cause of Ackerman’s unequal strength, how envious? Your attention was only focusing to his wound. Even so, you didn’t even look at him.

As you continue, something caught your attention in his drawer, which is half open. As you look through it, you silently gasp seeing your dagger hidden inside his drawer. You have to get it back no matter what.

After a while you finished and now wrapping a new bandage on him. “Your wound is almost healed up, good for you…,” and good for me.

You took a stand to take your leave, not ever wanted to stay for longer. Now that you already know where he left your dagger, you won’t have to worry about figuring to where be it and now you can retrieve it back from him.

He only watches you as you began to walk to leave, but when he calls you, you stopped in your tracks. You turn to face him while scowling. “What?” You bluntly asked him.  You watched him took a stand and approach you. He then said, “I know it’s your day off today, come with me.”

He takes the items in your hand and places them on the couch while you are staring at him in confusion. “W-wait…what do you mean? Where are we going?”

As he open the door, he only look at you and said, “I just needed to go, and I think you’re free today so I’ll have you to accompany me.” You utterly close your eyes. As much as possible until the day of carrying your mission, you’re going to avoid him but here he is keep on tagging you along with him.

You walked down the street with Levi, and you don’t know where you two are going. You merely follow him behind him, keeping your mouth shut because you find this awkward.

“Hey Levi, can you just at least tell me where are we going?” Finally, when you could no longer hold it in, you asked. You abruptly stop walking as he stood still and turned to face the flower shop. And, what is he planning?

You raise your brow as you watched him walk towards that store. Even if you were perplexed, you merely followed him. As you walked inside the store, you roam around the place looking at the flowers since they were all so beautiful, and it is your first time seeing them, there's no plant in underground city since there's no sunlight there for them to grow.

You pick one and give it a sniff, even the scent it has is pleasing. You don’t know what it is called, yet it caught your attention. It has tiny thorns in the stem and has a peach color.

“Do you like it?” You flinch in surprised hearing him from behind. You immediately put it back down, astonished. “I-I was just fascinated by it, it was my first time seeing that flower.”

You explain without looking back at him since you can feel how close he is in your back. Only when he came at your side did you feel relieved.

“It’s rose.” He whispers, he took one piece and handed it to you. You look at it and to him surprised, “Wait, I don't have money.” You said out in surprised, causing you to feel nervous. Even you'd really like the rose but you don't have money to buy it. “It seems that you like it, don't worry I'll pay for it.”

You look back at the rose he was giving to you and accepted it. Even though you hadn’t anticipated it but you replied, “Thank you.” You the noticed the flowers in his hand and wondered what he was going to do. The flower is different from the one you are holding, and it made you curious.

A cemetery…why are we in this place? As you two continue to walk you looked around. You arrived at the place and you recognized it right away that it was a burial ground because of the the graves. People are buried here who have passed away. You’ve never been in here before; up until now, you’ve just heard about it.

Levi noticed your confusion and he began to speak. “This is the graveyard for the scouts, who have died and dedicated their lives for humanity.” It caught you off guard.

You turn to look around while you heart is tormented. Many scouts have perished while fighting for humanity; their passion for humanity is unfathomable, and they died defending the walls from titans.

You don’t know that this is how the life here outside the underground city. If you’re suffering beneath there, they were suffering far more here, living with fear from titans.
You pause as Levi stop from walking. You look to where he was staring at.

It’s a graveyard of someone you thought person that close to him, but who might it be? He knelt down on the ground and placed the flowers on it. Oh, I see now why he bought flowers.

“This is the grave of my former squad who died during our expedition. They sacrificed their lives protecting Eren. We don’t have their remains, but we made a grave for them to be visited.”

You are way more surprised to see him smile. You know it was a painful smile. He really is a hideous person, he may seem unbothered outside, but he truly cared.

“I’ve heard about them, they might be a good person.” You muttered in a low voice. “Yeah, they are.” He stood, put his hands on his pocket, and started to walk away.

You only went after him from behind. So he’s here to pay a visit for them. He’s a great captain, and you know he always will be. “Thank you for coming with me.” He said at you, you look at him for glance then look away.

He slowed his pace and walked beside you. He seemed so depressed, so you want to at least change it; you remarked teasingly in response, “No, you forced me though.” And let out a chuckle.

“…but still you came with me.” He said as you were about to respond when he stop suddenly. You furrow your brows and cast your gaze forward, and there you saw Elias. Oh shit, what is he doing here?

“I was looking for you in the head quarter I didn’t know you were with Captain Levi, Y/N.” You gulp dryly as he said that to you. “What’s wrong with that?” Levi replied. You immediately look at Levi who is giving Elias a serious look. You began to worry as the tension between them is rising. You’re thinking to take action with this.

You approach Elias and then asked, “Why are you looking for me? Is there something wrong?”…and you act innocently. Finally, their tension has broken. It feels like they were fighting by only throwing dark gazes with each other. Elias excused you to Levi, and as you left, you bade him farewell with an uneasy smile.

It feels disrespectful to leave him there alone, but you got no choice. Elias just appeared out of nowhere. As you continue to walk, you stare at the rose you had in your hand that Levi gave you. Elias notices it and whisper. “Don’t forget your mission, Y/N.”

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