Chapter 8

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“You can do it, Y/N

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“You can do it, Y/N. I’m sure they haven’t found out that it was you.” Upon hearing her say it, you immediately sat down. Your mouth gaped open and your eyes dilated in shock as you stared at her. What you heard is what you never expected. "W-what do you mean?" You asked her, trying to convince yourself that you had just misunderstood her.

If she finds out about your mission it will be the end of you. She can’t possibly be aware of your mission. She laughs a little looking at your face before she replied, "I already knew it from the beginning about your mission," you gasp out in control. She knows. You are now thinking of making her silent. Should I kill her here, right now?

"Elias is my older brother, so rest certain that I will retain everything." Wait, what? You stiffened on your ground as she said that, you look at her processing everything before you could say, "You mean you and Elias are siblings? W-what?" You couldn't believe what you had learned from her.

Although you already know that Elias has a younger sister who lives outside of the underground city, Leisel surprised you.
"I know why you're here, my brother told me. Although, I'm not one of you, but I know your mission."

You look at her confused and wonder if it was right for her to know everything. You weren’t expecting Elias to tell Leisel of the missions. She sighed heavily and noticed your perplexity.

"I reside inside wall Sina, while my brother working under the black government. I studied medicine and applied here. My brother only sends me money for living, and we are concealing the fact that we are siblings because he doesn't want me to be involved in your organization. He was even surprised, when I told him that we're roommates." She said.

It is not you doubted her, but you just worry that if something horrible happens, it would put her in risk. Elias should’ve not told her.

You took a composing breath before you said, "I thought, I’m done." She smiled and tapped you on your shoulder, "I’m an allied, Y/N. I can’t take any risk to put my brother in danger. Everything is safe to me." She said, and it made you felt relieved. You felt happy that you found allied inside, and it was her.

She now moved back to her bed. It is time to take a rest. You covered yourself with blanket and stare at the ceiling you, then heard her say, "Why's that the black government wanted to kill Captain Levi, I'm worried also to my brother. You know Commander Erwin is so smart and sharp he even captured the big boss of the black government before. It happens before my brother work for them." You looked at her as she was only staring as well straight at the ceiling while lying in her bed. She did know a lot.

You remember what Mr. Groovy said before about the reason behind of killing Levi. You took a sigh and back your gaze into the ceiling.

"Because that Ackerman is used to be like us before, kill to live. He did never return back after failing his mission and now I'm here to kill him. Levi is the reason why the black government was almost destroyed. Even black government is a bad organization I don’t want it to fall down; they are the reason why I lived." You explained it to her.

You heard her sigh upon after telling it to her, "Please be careful next time, they almost got you and it made my brother worried so much." You frown because of what she had said.

Right, at that time Elias was there and save me, you thought. You sigh deeply and close your eyes. You shouldn't make everything hasty, if they caught you, everything will be over.

You were in the midst of the forest together with the scouts. Leisel was absent, thus you were chosen as their medic for today's experiment for Eren. Seeing a titan for the first it made you astounded, you never expect that it would be frightening as it looks, and that it would be so enormous.

Your hold on the medical kit tightened as you were seated a distance from them because you were afraid. If this is how the titan really looks like with consciousness of Eren, how much more from the outside the wall, they will be far more unsettling in a group. Imagining the titan eating you alive makes your stomach feeling upside down.

As you were merely watching them from a distance, your attention was drawn to your target Ackerman. He was standing by himself, just observing them. He is really hard to kill.

You are now thinking returning back to the underground city and filing a failed report. If you did it, you don't know what will be the consequences of your action. Mr. Groovy is terrifying if his mad, he might kill you if you came back failed.

You groan heavily as you consider your predicament. You can’t help but dreaming about living a simple life free from stress. Can I just live a happy life free from killing and problems?

You took a sigh once again. You were in deep thoughts not aware of Levi standing in front of you. You just get back to your senses when you heard his voice saying, "What's the matter? You keep staring at me back there."

You stifled an audible gasp and immediately sprang up in shock. You were too consumed with your thoughts without realizing it and were staring at Levi for too long.

"D-did I?" Damn Y/N. He raises his brows unsatisfied. He looked at you as if he’s waiting for your other reason. You avert his gaze after meeting his eyes. "Yeah, you do." You bite your inner cheek in nervousness; you don't know what to response.

"Y-you got it all wrong, I didn't stare at you, I was just only thinking and that's it." You finally replied to him. You felt that your face heated up because of him, it even made your heart beats faster. You immediately look in his way as you hear him chuckle. You’re wondering if there’s something funny of what you had just said.

He then utter, "Maybe, thinking about me," that made you blink continuously, and look at him incredulously. Yeah, I was thinking on how to kill you. You watched him chuckling as he turned around and said while his back facing you, "Don't fall harder, Y/N."

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