~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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~ (y/n)'s POV~

As I was running back to my house through the busy streets,  I realized that I was still in my night gown from this morning, and flushed up with embarrassment. I started to run harder and harder, feeling my heart pound out of my chest as the adrenaline ran through me. 

I was so focused on getting home, that I never cared to look around at my surroundings. I ended up ramming into a person and falling to the pavement. I winced in pain, and looked up at the person I ran into. A smile almost instantly formed on my face, and tears welled in my eyes as I got up off the sidewalk and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Toya!" I shouted through happy tears.

At I said this, he tensed up, and gently unwrapped my arms from his waist, kneeling down to my level, "I-I'm sorry, but I'm not 'Toya'..." He confessed.

My eyes widened in embarrassment, "S-sorry, I mistook you for another person..." and with that, I started to run off in that direction again, not looking back.

Eventually, I got exhausted from all of that running, so I activated my quirk to help propel me along the sidewalk. It was very efficient just using my water jets to weave through the crowd, often bumping into the occasional light pole, but besides that, it was easy.

I had gone a straight fifteen seconds without stopping till I felt really dehydrated to the point of throwing up. I stopped in front of a house and ran over to their bushes along the sidewalk. I yakked up whatever contents I had, leaving me feeling dizzy and nauseas.

I looked over to the front door of the house, and thought it wouldn't hurt to ask for some water to reset myself.

I staggered to the front door, and lazily knocked a few times waiting for a response. There was a long silence which caused me to sigh. Maybe they weren't home, or they didn't want to answer the door to some weird kid who had just puked in their shrubbery.

I started to walk back to the sidewalk, when I hear the door click open. 

A young man answered as he adjusted his glasses, "Hey, are you okay? did you lose your parents somewhere near?" The man asked in a sweet tone.

I slowly shook my head, "N-no, but can I get some water? My quirk causes me to get dehydrated and sometimes throw up if I don't constantly drink water." I explained.

His eyes widened in worry, "O-of course! Come in!" He exclaimed, gesturing to the inside.

I gave him a weak smile, and waddled into his house. His house was amazing! It was so modern and big! Kind of like my house, but in a different style.

"Hey, Honey? What brat came to the door? Was it another girl scout or something?" A female voice called from another room.

Both our eyes widened as he looked down at me in embarrassment, "Sorry, my wife can be a bit much for some people!" He exclaimed with a sheepish smile.

I just nodded slowly, looking back in the direction of the voice, "Hey, did you hear me?" She asked, the voice getting closer by the second, "I asked, 'What brat came to the fu-" She stopped herself when she entered the room and saw me standing by her husband.

"Oh!" She stated, clearing her throat, "Hi, kiddo! Why are you here?" She asked, her tone completely changing.

I looked down in embarrassment, "Um, well...My quirk causes me to get dehydrated quickly, and I just need some water to feel better..." I explained.

She looked over to her husband with a confused look on her face, "U-um, okay? Is that all?" She asked sweetly.

I started to nod, but slowly started to shake my head, "Okay, is there anything else you need, sweetheart?" The man asked.

"Well, I-um...before I knocked on your door, I sorta, might've puked in your bushes... I am really sorry..." I apologized.

The woman looked a little freaked out, but the man just placed a hand on my shoulder, "Hey it's okay, it's much better out than in. We have a kid of our own, so we know all about puke!" He joked.

I dryly laughed as he lead me to the bathroom, "If you feel like you need to, the toilet is all yours!" He explained.

The woman poked her head in the doorway, "How much water do you need sweetie?" She pondered.

"Well the more I have, the better I feel and the better and longer my quirk lasts, so the more the better I guess..." I answered.

She nodded, and both left the doorway. I felt the urge to throw up again, so I made my way to the toilet, and  let it all out. Even though my insides ached from all the contracting, I did feel better.

I flushed the toilet, and washed my hands and face. The Woman came back with some towels and a big glass of water. She set it on the vanity and looked at me sitting by the toilet. She smirked, and sat down next to me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked.

I started to nod, "I'm feeling better now, but can I have the water please?" I asked.

She nodded and reached up to the counter and got my water. She handed the glass of water to me, and I chugged it as fast as I could. It tasted so good and I could drink it all day!

I set the glass on the floor beside me, and exhaled looking and wiped my mouth, feeling more content than before. Her face was written with shock, probably by how fast I downed all of that water.

"so, do you mind me asking where are your parents?" She prodded.

I froze. I wasn't about to tell her that I ran away from home for a few hours because my dad just put my mom into a mental hospital and he abuses us, saying that it's 'training', when in reality, it's just an excuse to beat us up without punishment.

"Th-they are at the book store down the street picking out a birthday gift for my sister! I wanted to go to the toy store, and I used my quirk to try and get there, but I ended up stopping here..." I lied.

"Okay, well as long as they don't think you were kidnapped by anyone, least of all us, than you can just chill here if you want. Lunch will be ready soon if you'd like!" she exclaimed.

She got up from the floor and made her way to the door, when she stopped, and turned around to face me, "Oh! By the way, my son is about your age! He's not that big of a people person though, but maybe you can become friends if that damn brat ever comes home soon!" She started off nice and bubbly, but it turned into pissed, and annoyance.

Her anger was quickly replaced with her happy demeanor, like flipping a switch, and she left the room, and headed back to the kitchen.

I smiled, and got up from the floor as well. I walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen to have lunch.

Maybe I would even get to meet their son...

~ Time Skip ~

So, it was after lunch, and their son ended up being a no show, so I felt like I didn't want to just hang around for someone who might not come home for awhile.

I put my plate in the sink, and walked back to the table where they were still finishing up their food.

"I'm going to get going, but thank you for everything Mr. and Mrs.-um...what is you name?" I asked sort of embarrassed that I didn't find out sooner.

"Oh!" The man started, "We're the Bakugous!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, but please call me Mitsuki, and you can call him Masaru if we ever see each other again!" She added.

I nodded with a smile on my face, and exited the house with curiosity at the front of my mind.

'I wonder who their son is...'


Hello my Bugaroos! I hope that you enjoyed today's chapter! I thought it would be cool to add Masaru and Mitsuki in the book, because let's be honest, Mitsuki's a queen, and Masaru treats her like one for sure! Relationship goals!

Please, please, please don't forget to comment, vote, add, and share this book!

I love you all so so so so much, and I hope you will enjoy the chapters to come my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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