~ Chapter Forty Three ~

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~ (y/n)'s POV ~

As I lunged towards him, my initial strategy was to wrap my arms around his waist and pin him to the ground, but just as the tips of my fingers briskly swept across the edge of his feathers, he launched himself into the sky, flying high above me. I looked up in awe at how quick his response time was, but quickly gritted my teeth. I wanted to keep my secret hidden from him a bit longer, so I didn't use all of the moves I had stored up.

I quickly propelled a harsh jet of water at him, trying to get his feathers wet. Birds can't fly with wet feathers, now can they?

Just as the water was about to bring him down, I felt myself suddenly being lifted up off of the ground. My eyes widened in shock, I was so driven to bring him down, that I never realized that some his feathers left his person! This caused me to loose my focus on the jet of water, making it fall loosely to the ground.

I watched as the water puddles on the floor and flipped my gaze up to meet Marlo with one of anger. I wasn't prepared to be picked up into the air that suddenly, which made me panic. Just recently, I have trained myself to be comfortable with going high places, but the draw back to this is that I need to let myself know that I'm doing this so I can be in the right place mentally. But this was so sudden, I didn't have time to do anything to prepare which made me severely anxious. 

But this anxious feeling ultimately boiled down to anger.

He took advantage of my well-known weakness and used it against me. Damn, whether he knew he did this to me or not, I have to admit it was a well played strategy.

As he lifted me up higher and higher, the bigger the smug grin on his lips grew, "So, where's all this talk about 'taking me down' being put into play? Huh?" He asked mockingly.

With a few swipes of his fingers, I was being tossed around in the air like I was on a rollercoaster. I screamed in fear at the speed I was being thrown around at. I clenched my eyes shut and covered my face with my hands, still screaming, internally begging for this to stop. As soon as the tumbling and tossing had started, it had abruptly came to an end, jerking me forward, causing me to hitch my breath suddenly. As I caught my breath, I slowly raised my head to meet his eye level.

I felt my anger grow, causing water to involuntarily spill out of my fingers. I came to a realization that sparked an idea in my mind. A smirk grew on my face as I contemplated how this would play out, trying to factor everything he might be able to throw at me.

"Why are you smiling? You really think you can get out of the grasp of my feathers?" He chuckled.

"Totally! I told you about how-wait! Oh my god...did I forget to tell you that the amount of water I intake isn't the only thing that affects the power behind my blasts?" I asked in a sweet tone, almost identical to the one dad used.

I hated using this tactic, but I hate to admit, it was effective in trying to intimidate someone on a deeper level other than pure rage.

I shook those thoughts away and refocused, "Yeah, the level of emotion I feel can also affect it, and as a matter of fact, anger is the emotion that brings me to my maximum power. And to be honest with you right now, I'm really pissed." 

His eyes widened, but he kept his composure, "Sure, whatever you say! You've been all bark, no bite for this entire fight, I wouldn't be surprised if you were just talking yourself up just to try and scare me!" He nonchalantly inquired.

I somehow felt more enraged now, causing my eyes to glow brighter. I could see the panic that was now settled into his eyes, causing him to loose concentration on the feathers which resulted in me slipping from the tight grip. This was both good and bad for me. I was now free from the grasp of his seemingly inescapable feather, but in doing so, I was falling from almost ceiling height, which was also most seventy feet.

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