~ Chapter Forty One ~

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~ Marlo's POV ~

I was told by my mom that today I had to go to Endeavor's agency and train with (y/n) for a few hours. She said it was 'a fun activity to get to know her more' or something like that. 

And I was so excited to be able to train with (y/n)! And not only that, but I got to do this training at Endeavor's, the Number Two Hero, agency.

My mom had to take up another shift at work, so she couldn't take me. She already works enough as it is, and I wish the work people could see how hard she works for us and give her a break. So mom's next idea was to have Keigo take me, but he was too busy getting ready to be transferred to the Hero training place or whatever they're called, so I had no choice but to walk there on my own. 

My mom made sure to give me everything I needed to be on my own and made sure I knew my way there so I wouldn't get lost. I love her and she's a great mom and all, but we live in a relatively safe city compared to the rest of our country, so I'm not sure why she's being all worried and stuff.

Oh well, at least I didn't have to deal with the embarrassment of my brother or mom, so I'm fine.

I was stealing glances at my map here and there, just making sure I was going the right way. I admired Endeavor and all, but I could tell that he was not one that you wanted to make angry.

I shuddered at the thought and started to pick up my pace, when all of a sudden, something caused me to look over and I saw (y/n) running in the opposite direction of me. 

"(y/n)! I called out to her, trying to wave her down.

She looked directly at me and I could instantly see how drained she looked. Her eyes were droopy and clouded like she was sick.

I slowly lowered my hand and my eyebrows knit together in worry, "H-hey, you alright? You don't seem like yourself. And why are you running away from the agency? It right over-"

"W...water...I-I need...water..."

I stopped talking and I gave her a confused stare, but before I could question her on why, she crumbled to the floor. My eyes widened in terror as I saw what just happened.

I started to run over to her, screaming her name, I didn't care if I was knocking people over to get to her, I just needed to help her, "(y/n)!" I knelt down beside her and scooped her up into my arms and held her close.

I looked around frantically at anyone who was passing by, "Please! Anyone! She-she passed out and she needs help! Can someone please help her?" I called out, tears threatening to fall.

To my surprise, no one even took the time to look at me, and if someone did, they just scoffed and looked away, getting back to what they were doing. I was astonished at how terrible some people could be!

I shook those thoughts out of my head and looked back down at (y/n). I could see her eyes fluttering open every now and then which was a sign that she was still somewhat conscious. 

I scooped her up in my arms and gave her a look of reassurance, "H-hey, everything's gonna be alright! I-I'll get you somewhere safe!" I promised shakily.

As she closed her eyes one last time, I saw a smile rest on her dry, cracked lips. I let out an unsteady breath and I adjusted her glasses that had became lopsided during her fall. I commanded my feathers to shift up to my shoulder blades and I thrusted us into the air which sent us up into the air. I look around the city below us and I could see the agency a few blocks away and immediately took off as fast as I could. 

As we kept speeding closer and closer to the building, I noticed a window pretty high up  was cracked open and I saw a certain heterochrome hair boy sticking his head out of the window. We locked eyes and he looked down in my arms and saw (y/n) and his eyes widened in fear. He motioned me to come up to him through the window and without hesitation, I sharply adjusted and started to shoot up straight to the window.

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