Hurls and new girls

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Quick a/n
I have searched up the definition of hurl and it means to throw something with great force you'll find out why I've used that later in the story ♥️

Jordan's pov

I arrived at training earlier than everyone,I went and dumped my stuff in the changing room and went to see phill like I always do. As I entered into Phill's office I see two unfamiliar people outside.
Jordan: um excuse me is phill busy?
Carla: we don't know we're new to the team we don't know him too well sorry we can't help
Jordan: oh it's not your fault I'm Jordan by the way nice to meet you
Carla: I'm Carla this is Leah
*Leah shyly says hi*
*Jordan give her a quick smile before knocking on the office door*
Jordan: phill? Can we come in?
Phill: oh sorry ladies I wasn't paying attention I'm feeling a bit stressed about the champions league coming up and I don't know how I'll be able to prepare the team

Before the rest of the girls arrive
Leah's pov
We were sat waiting in the meeting room waiting for the rest of the girls to arrive and you wouldn't believe who I saw.
It was my best friends from the under 17s squad Anna Patten and Lotte Wubben-Moy
*runs over to hug them*
Anna and Lotte: LEAH!?
Leah: I've not seen you since the 2010 under 17s euros in Switzerland how are you both!
Anna: we're good. You'll never guess what
Leah: tell me
Anna: lots has a boyfriend!
Leah: WHAT?!
Lotte: and you two said I was too competitive to find love
*they all giggle*

After the rest of the girls arrive
in the team meeting
Phill: ok ladies the the champions league starts in five weeks. from now on you'll be getting trained harder than you've ever been trained before. As you may have noticed we've got two new ladies joining us for the euros meet Carla Humphrey and Leah Williamson they are highly skilled young ladies who are both midfielders
And are some of the best players the WSL has ever seen and are here to help us get to the top and I expect you all to do the same. Am I clear.
Everyone: yes Phill
Phill: Jordan as our captain (I know she's not actually the captain but I can't remember who Arsenals captain was when Leah joined 😂) You have the responsibility of showing Leah and Carla around the stadium and giving them their kits every one else pre act and then training field in half a hour

On the stadium tour
Leah's pov
Leah: um Jordan what's that room?
*points to the conference room*
(Again don't know if there is a conference room at the training stadium but I'll go with it 😂)
Jordan: that's where the team meetings usually happen it's also where phill might take someone to tell them there not on that they're going on loan when they're not doing enough for the team but phill seems to be thinking you'll be here for a while I'm sure you'll only be in there for the meetings

After the tour in training
Jordan's pov
Jordan: Right everyone so we've got two new team members so you know what that means
Katie: get to know you questions! Get in!
Leah: what are get to know you questions
Kim: it's just a fun activity where everyone stands in a circle kicking a ball and asking questions but we're not allowed to ask about football and you may have noticed that Katie is ever so slightly obsessed with the game
Carla: oooh that sounds fun
Katie: it is!

During the game
Katie: so Leah do you have any pets?
Leah: I don't but someday I want to get a dog
Lotte: cats are better
(I did a lot of research on Arsenal pets to find out what player had a cat and she was the only I found that had a cat 😂)
*the entire team disagrees*
Jordan: Lotte never knows what she's talking about
*carla laughs but Leah just nervously smiles*
Lotte: don't judge spike and Lola before you meet them they've easily got the same activity scale as a dog
Anna: sorry lots but you're out numbered
Viv: so what music do you guys like so we can add it onto our team playlist
Carla: I'm fine with anything really except Jazz
Leah: I love Coldplay and Country music
Viv: ugh not another Coldplay lover I'm fed up of Coldplay (this hurt to write 😂)
Beth: but wasn't that a Coldplay song you were singing this morning darling?
Lydia: and you always sing to sky full of stars
Viv: that's by take that isn't it
*everyone laughs at Vivs music knowledge*
Beth: no honey that's by Coldplay
Viv: oh then I do like Coldplay

After training in Leah's apartment
Leah's pov
I got home absolutely shattered after the day I'd just had, every inch of my body was aching after the intense training phill had put us through and all I wanted was to collapse in bed but of corse on the first day of playing for Arsenal and any team in the WSL I had to go for the team night where everyone sings their initiation song.

At the team night
Leah's pov
I was outside trying to decide what song to sing for my initiation and I eventually chose hey there Delilah by the plain white T's , my dad's favourite song. I have also brought my guitar just because the song sounds better on guitar than just a karaoke machine. I walk in holding my guitar and start playing the song, after playing two bars of the song I started to sing the song. Once I had finished and I looked up and realised I'd left most of the girls in tears *she goes and sits down with Beth,Jordan,Lotte and Anna*
Leah: why is everyone crying?
*everyone looks at her in shock*
Jordan: you are joking! You've left everyone in tears with your incredible voice Including patsy and trust me patsy doesn't cry much
*that earns her a arm slap from Anna*
Anna: shut up jord!
*blushes and nervously smiles*
A little while later
*Sees Carla giving her a death stare. Goes and talks to her*
Leah: Carls what's up?
Carla: you being little miss perfect once again!
Leah: what do you mean?
Carla: "you've left everyone in tears with your incredible voice" said mocking Jordan
*Jordan wanders over*
Jordan: you ok Leah?
Leah: yeah...
*said nervously*
Carla: yeah little miss perfect is just fine now get lost Jordan
*Jordan senses That Leah feels un easy*
Jordan: I think I'll stay with Leah if that's ok
Carla: I said get lost!
*said before shoving her to the floor*
*viv,Lotte and Anna spring up from their seats*
*Lotte crouches to the floor to help Jordan while Anna comforts Leah*
Carla: ha! You think I'm scared of you?!
Viv: bring it
Phill: ENOUGH! Now sit down before both you get kicked from the team!
*tears starts to fall from Leah's eye and that's when Anna pulls her in for a hug*
Anna: it's ok Leah no one will touch you
Carla: you sure about that
Lotte and Anna: touch her and your dead!
Carla: this won't be the last you'll see of me Leah!
*said whilst storming off*
*all the girls gather around Leah and give her a big group hug*
Jill: don't worry Leah we're family now no one can touch you. *she pauses* especially not her

Hey everyone hope you enjoy the first chapter I've loved writing it! Feel free to leave request in the comments. M♥️

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