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Leah's pov
Today Jordan and I are away out on a date today Jordan's been acting really suspicious and I'm worried she's wanting to break up with me. When we first told my parents we were together my dad said she better never break my heart, but If she breaks up with me she won't break my heart she'll shatter it. I love Jordan so much and if she broke up with me there'd be a Jordan shaped hole in my heart and it'd never be able to be filled

Jordan's pov
Today is the day. Me and Leah have been dating for almost two years and it's time I ask her to be with me for life, so today I'm asking Leah to become Mrs Nobbs. A few weeks back me Beth, Viv, Lotte and Anna secretly met up in town to pick out the perfect ring for Leah. we found a beautiful pink and rose gold ring as pink is her favourite colour. Leah doesn't know but I've been carrying the ring with me everywhere and I can't wait to make her my wife and someday have a little family with her which might be difficult considering we're both women. But I know we'll figure it out some way.

At the location where Jordan is proposing
L- Jordy i thought this was a date
J- it is
L- why are we at the old training ground?
J- Lea this is where we met
L- but it's not very romantic
*Jordan just giggles*

About half an hour later
*Jordan leads Leah out onto the training pitch and walks her to the middle of the pitch little does Leah know all her teammates are watching the proposal*
*Jordan slowly reaches into her pocket and kneels to the ground*
J- Leah Catherine Williamson, we first met 3 years ago and my life has never been the same. The times I've spent with you are some of the best in my whole life. I never want to miss another moment with you and your incredible family. You're always the last thing I think about before I fall asleep at night and I'd be the happiest women alive if yours was the first face I saw when I wake up every morning. So Leah will you marry me?
*through tears*
L- YES 100% YES!
*Jordan gets up puts the ring on her finger and kisses her*
*they hear cheering from all the other girls and Leah's parents*
*said running over to hug them*
Amanda- Congratulations princess!
L- what are you guys doing here?!
David- we couldn't miss this Lea!

The next day
Pov Leah and Jordan conversation
J- morning Fiancée
*said holding a cup of coffee that she made for Leah like she does every day*
L- Go away!
*jordan giggles at Leah*
L- why are you laughing it's like 6 in the morning?!
J- it's 13:00 Leah and time for you to wake up
L- but I'm tired
*said in a whiny voice*
J- if you get up now we can do some wedding planning
*she springs out of

A few months later
L- Jordy. I've been really thinking about it and i really don't want to invite your parents, your mum always comments on my appearance and my weight and your dad talks utter nonsense about everything!
J- Lea I know they hate you but they're my mum and dad and I don't want them to miss my wedding
*leah sighs*
L- either way one of our days will be ruined
J- Leah I'm sorry but I really want my parents to be there and I promise they won't do anything to ruin your day. Ok?
L- mmhm
*said nervously as slightly upset*
J- love you

A/N- hope you all loved the chapter I'm really sorry about how short these are!!
I am already working on a few new chapters but am still open for requests

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