Welcome little one

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Jordan's pov
Today is the 10th of January and it's about a week past Leah's due date and we're finally booked in to get Leah induced! We are finally meeting our baby girl in only a few hours. Leah is so excited and I know she's going to be a fantastic mum. But there are a few things Lea wanted to make sure happened before she gave birth. She wanted me and her mum and dad there whilst she was in hospital. She also wanted to make sure that not only was the baby safe but she was as well which is why we decided that the best method to deliver the baby was to have her delivered by a caesarean section this way the chance of her suffering from a cord prolapse is minimised.

About 5 hours later
Leah- welcome to the world Princess
*said before kissing her on the head*
Jordan- you did so well Lea I'm so proud she's so beautiful
Leah- will we message the team to tell them
Jordan- sure I'll give them a message

Arsenal team ♥️


She's here ♥️ arrived at 10:10 AM today  Jill-  OMG she's gorgeous congratulations ♥️Beth  ♥️- OH MY GOD JORDY YOU HAVE A BABY !!!Beth- WHEN CAN I MEET HER!!!

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She's here ♥️ arrived at 10:10 AM today
Jill- OMG she's gorgeous congratulations ♥️

Jordan- she still has to have her hearing checked but after that you can visit

Beth- I can't wait to squeeze the chubby cheeks

About an Hour Later
Pov conversation between Leah and the doctor
*the doctor knocks on the room door*
Leah- come in
Doctor- hello Mrs Williamson we've got the results for her hearing test and she has perfect hearing. Now even though all her tests are finished we'd like you both to stay her for another couple of nights just to make sure you're both okay before you can head home.
Leah- perfect thank you

About an hour later
Pov conversation between Beth Viv Leah and Jordan
Jordan- ready to meet your goddaughter Beth?
Beth- yes 100% ready!
Jordan- ok meet Calla Bethany June Nobbs
*said gently placing her in Beth's arms*
*said as tears start coming down her face before looking up at Viv and seeing her with the biggest smile on her face*
Beth- YOU KNEW?!

About half an hour later
Leah- I'm so tired but I'd feel guilty sleeping when Viv and Beth are here
Beth- Lea don't be stupid you've just had a baby of course you can have a sleep whilst we're here
*leah smiles before closing her eyes and falling asleep*

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