Nothing could be better

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pov Leah's thoughts
Well this is it. July 7th 2023 the day I'm marrying my best friend. My soulmate. The day that will become the best day of my life, until I have kids obviously. This is the day I've been waiting for since I was a little girl. I always visioned the perfect future a husband and three kids and what I've dreamed about since I was little is actually coming true. Well apart from the fact that I'm not marrying a man but a woman. The most perfect woman, also not mentioning we've definitely not got kids yet. Honestly though sometimes I feel like I'm never good enough for Jordan and have I have so many questions as to why she wants to marry me. But now I realise, she really does love me, and I really love her. I know that she is the woman for me she is my complete world!
"Leah!" I hear my mum say completely knocking me out of my daydream. Yes, Mum? I answered as she walked through the door to the room. "You will have to leave in 15-20 minutes." She told me while admiring the beautiful dress purchased for the wedding.

Pov Amanda and Leah conversation
Amanda- wow. Leah I.. I can't believe it. Y... You look amazing
*leah chuckles*
Leah- thanks mum.
*she pauses slightly*
Leah- do you mind if I have these last few minutes to myself ? I just want to make sure everything is perfect
Amanda- yes of course sweetheart

About an hour after the ceremony
Leah's pov
Well it's official. I'm officially married, and to my best friend and now gorgeous wife. It honestly seems so weird to think that everything I have is new now. New last name, two new Footy shirts and an entirely new family. This day has been everything I've ever dreamed, however my poor Jordan. Jordan's parents were adamant that they would show up to the wedding and not just lie and never turn up. Honestly I feel like it's all my fault. Myself and Jordan's parents have a very... rocky relationship. It all started when I was first introduced to them

Kerry- now my Jordy are you sure this is the one? Looks like she grew up in a dumpster.
Kerry- Jordan. I don't want you giving all your investments into some cheapskate who's just looking for a relationship for the money.
*a small tear starts rolling down Leah's cheek*
Jordan- MUM STOP!
Kerry- Keith back me up here
Keith- your mother is right Jordan. Maybe you can try someone else?
Jordan- No! Leah's perfect, And I really do love her. Please can you stop criticising her before you've even properly met her she say's before muttering.
Jordan- just because you don't like the fact I like girls.
End of flashback

Leah- so you can see we really don't get along which is why I feel so guilty as to why they're not here. I feel like Jordan is really pissed off with me and we've not spoken since our vows. I now that I should try to talk to her but every time I do she sees someone else to speak to, I just need to find some time when it's just us! That's it! I can ask during the dance, I know it's not the best place to ask but I really need to know.

During their first dance
Leah- Jordy?
Jordan- Leah
Leah- are you annoyed with me?
*said slightly upset*
Jordan- no why would I be?
*leah sighs*
Leah- because it's my fault your parents aren't here
Jordan- Lea that's not true at all they're just being extremely petty about me marrying a girl.
Leah- so it's not my fault?
Jordan- no it's definitely not
*said placing a kiss to her lips*
Jordan- but I'll be cutting contact with them pretty damn soon.
Leah- but what about the rest of your family?
Jordan- my Nan and grandad love you Lea they think you're beautiful which you are and obviously Blu loves you and thats all that matters
Leah- aww I love your Nan and grandad! And I obviously love our fur baby he's the sweetest dog in the world and he's our first baby together.

A/n hello everyone I hope you loved the chapter and I want to know what do you think is going to happen next?

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