Coming out

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Leah's pov
Today is the day I tell my family about being gay and I'm feeling petrified. Mum had messaged me asking if i wanted to go out for lunch and i decided I'd tell them there. We we're going to there favourite place and I said I'd pay, incase things don't turn out well. Jordan also decided to come along for moral support and because she can help calm things down when they get heated

Halfway through there meal
Amanda: so any good news with football recently sweetheart?
Leah: no but there is something I'd like to tell you guys
*they all look at her with a look telling her to go on*
*leah takes a deep breath and says*
Leah: I'm gay...
*her mum gets teary*
Amanda: oh sweetheart
*said getting up to hug her*
Leah: mum... you're not upset
David: Leah of course we're not upset. All a parent wants in life is for their children to grow up and live happy lives and if you're happy we're happy. Oh and Jordan.
*looks up seriously at Jordan*
David: take good care of her. As parents when your child finds someone that makes them as  happy as you make Leah , it's hard for a parent to see how heartbroken they are once they break up or get their heart broken
Jordan: I promise that i will never break Leah's heart or break up with her

Sorry it's a short one the next one will be a lot longer I promise

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