Worst week ever

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A/N credits to @leahcwilliamson for the request of this chapter
I hope you enjoy ♥️

Leah's pov
Today is the day I get my a-level results and I feel absolutely terrified, this year I studied history maths and PE and I know I haven't worked to my full potential in any of them other than PE. I'm worried that if I don't do well Jordan will think it's her fault and will say we need to "take a break until my results improve. I love Jordan more than anything and not being with her makes me want to cry.

About an hour later at training
Pov arsenal women conversation
JB- morning Lea how are you
L- erm yeah good... i guess
J- that means she's absolutely shitting herself about getting her a-level results
*leah just sighs*
KL- I'm sure there's nothing to worry about Leah

About half an hour later
*leah runs into the changing room and Jordan follows her*
J- Lea?! Are you alright
L- I...I can't do this
J- just breathe ready in for 5...Hold for 6... out for 7... wait for 8... and repeat in for 5... Hold for 6 out for 7.. wait for 8 and repeat
*they continue this until the attack has subsided*
J- so what brought that on
L- my results
J- Leah! You should have told me! Then this wouldn't have happened
L- I know I'm just being stupid

A few hours later
*leah gets her email through about her grades*
L- Jordy.. there in
*jordan rushes to Leah and grabs her hand giving it a slight squeeze*
*leah takes a deep breath before opening the email*
L- ok History, A! Maths, A! PE, A*
*jordan picks Leah up and swings her around*
L- Jordy put me down! It's too high!
*said with a scared voice*
(Jordan is taller than Leah for once!)
J- sorry princess I know you hate heights
*puts her down and just hugs her*

A few hours later
L- Jordy can we just order something for dinner I can't be arsed cooking
J- sure your choice
L- but if it's my choice I have to pay!
*said in a whiny kid's voice*
*jordan just chuckles*
J- let's get pizza then
L- that's what I wanted!
J- it's what you always want Lea
L- I like pizza
J- so what pizza do you want from where
L- gluten free margarita please Jordy
*said cuddling Jordan*
J- ok one large gluten free margarita pizza to share
*leah looks up at Jordan with a smile*
J- you have the most beautiful eyes baby

A few days later during training
*Katie tackles leah and accidentally really hurts her*
K- Lea I'm so sorry
*jordan sprints over*
J- Lea are you ok
L- I don't know but my ankle really hurts
*jordan and Katie help her up*
*she can't stand*
Jonas- Leah I think you'll have to get that checked at a hospital
L- no I can't miss anymore games I'll miss the euros!
J- Leah you can't play with an injury
L- no I'm fine
J- you can't bear any weight on it lea
Your going to the hospital come on let's go

At the hospital
Doctor- right miss Williamson you're x-rays show no sign of a bad break however you do unfortunately have what's called a hairline fracture. This will take approximately two to four weeks to heal and you'll have to be very careful afterwards. For now I'm going to put you in what's called a "Walking boot" (the boot in the authors note below)
*leah sighs*
L- there go my chances of making the euros
J- there's more important things than a tournament Leah I don't want your injury to get worse so you can't play again now do we
L- suppose not but I'm letting the team down
J- you're not letting anyone down sweetheart if you have an injury you have an injury you can't help that

AN- I hope you all enjoyed the chapter I know it's quite short but I know you'll enjoy the next few chapters (coming as soon as I can get them out!) feel free to leave suggestions below and I will take them into consideration. Hope you have a Great Day

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